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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Banque de Cochinchine S.A.20.10.1908170,00210,00
2China - (Konvolut 5 Stücke)120,00120,00 n
3Republic of China - 27th year gold loan01.05.193850,0050,00
4Shanghai Electric Construction Co. Ltd.01.05.1929500,00unsold
5South Manchuria Railway Co.01.01.1920100,00120,00
6State of Queensland (Australia)15.02.1922200,00200,00
7Accessory Transit Co. (of Nicaragua) (OU Charles T. Morgan)30.11.1855500,00500,00
8Adit Mining Co.26.04.189780,00unsold
9Advance Gold-Dredging Co.07.12.1900150,00150,00
10Aetna Gold Mining Co.11.03.189650,00unsold
11Agate Gold Mining Co.21.01.189675,0075,00
12Alaska Gold Co.04.10.188950,00100,00
13Alaska Gold Mines Co.20.07.192350,00unsold
14Alaska Gold Mining Co.22.07.190250,0050,00
15Alaska Gold Syndicate Co.16.02.189860,00unsold
16Alaska Mildred Gold Mining Co.19.06.190180,0080,00
17Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining Co.22.07.1890100,00120,00
18Alaska Treadwell Gold Mining Co.22.07.1890100,00140,00
19Alert Gold Mining Co.26.01.190150,00unsold
20Alexandria & St. Louis Railway17.06.1893300,00320,00
21Allegheny Railroad and Coal Co.12.09.18551.200,00unsold
22Amazon Mining Co.19.02.189460,0065,00
23Amber Gold Mining Co.24.09.1866100,00unsold
24American Coal Co.05.04.190080,0080,00
25American Druggists Syndicate01.06.1911150,00170,00
26American Express Co.17.10.1865200,00320,00
27Amie Consolidated Mining Co.28.10.188060,00unsold
28Anchor Gold Mining & Milling Co.02.09.189550,0055,00
29Anderson Mining & Milling Co.31.08.188880,00unsold
30Andrews Mining and Exploring Co.02.05.188780,00unsold
31Anna Howe Gold Mining Co.19.02.188960,00unsold
32Annie C. Gold Mining Co.28.10.189580,00unsold
33Antelope Gold Mining Co.22.12.189960,0060,00
34Apothecaries Gold Mining Co.10.02.1896150,00160,00
35Argonaut Mill & Mining Co.07.01.1880100,00unsold
36Arizona Narrow Gauge Railroad01.07.18831.200,00unsold
37Arkansas, Louisiana & Gulf Railway01.07.1907180,00unsold
38Arraria Gold Mining Co.11.07.189580,0080,00
39Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad01.01.1906400,00unsold
40Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad06.08.1906750,00unsold
41Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway01.02.192775,0075,00
42Atlanta, Cripple Creek and Creede Mining Co.12.04.190050,0050,00
43Atlanta Mining and Milling Co.20.11.189580,0080,00
44Atlantic & Pacific Railroad05.05.1854600,00unsold
45Atlantic & Western Railroad Co. of Florida (OU:Henry M. Flagler)01.03.18941.500,001.500,00
46Automatic Spring Motor Car & Carriage Co.14.11.1884200,00unsold
47Baldwin Locomotive Works18.02.193075,0080,00
48Banco da Bolsa04.06.189140,0040,00
49Bank of Bristol, State of Tennessee11.07.1874400,00600,00
50Birmingham, Sheffield & Tennessee River Railway22.07.1889300,00300,00
51Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad15.03.1865240,00240,00
52Boston Sub-Marine & Wrecking Co.21.04.18561.500,00unsold
53Boynton Bicycle Electric Railway01.05.1897280,00280,00
54Brunswick & Albany Railroad01.10.1869500,00500,00
55Brunswick & Albany Railroad21.09.1870750,00unsold
56Buck Mountain Coal Co.04.10.188080,00unsold
57Burlington Steam Boat Co.01.09.1868200,00200,00
58Cairo and St. Louis Railroad17.11.1880300,00320,00
59Caledonia Mining Co.22.04.1890100,00unsold
60Camden & Amboy Rail Road & Transportation (Joint stock of the Delaware & Raritan Canal Co. & Camden & Amboy Rail Road and Transportation Co.) (OU: Robert L. Stevens)04.01.1834500,00500,00
61Camden & Philadelphia Steam Boat Ferry Co.02.04.188860,0065,00
62Carolina Central Railroad01.02.1881100,00100,00
63Cayuga & Susquehannah Railroad06.06.1843280,00280,00
64Central Branch Union Pacific Rail Road05.05.18981.500,00unsold
65Central Railroad and Banking Co. of Georgia03.06.18871.000,001.000,00 n
66Chester and Delaware Street Railway20.04.1899100,00110,00
67Chester and Eddystone Street Railway19.01.1917150,00150,00
68Chicago & Alton Railroad26.04.1878600,00unsold
69Chicago & Canada Southern Railway01.04.1872250,00270,00
70Chicago & Canada Southern Railway03.02.1873100,00100,00
71Chicago & Interurban Traction Co.01.01.1912180,00210,00
72Chicago, Iowa & Dakota Railway19.01.1884240,00unsold
73Chicago, Iowa & Dakota Railway19.01.1884240,00unsold
74Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska Railway01.04.1887500,00unsold
75Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway27.07.1881280,00280,00
76Chicago & Northwestern Railway07.09.1917500,00unsold
77Chicago & Oak Park Elevated Railway10.05.1904120,00unsold
78Chicago & Oak Park Elevated Railway19.05.1904180,00unsold
79Chicago & Oak Park Elevated Railway22.07.1904200,00unsold
80Chicago & Oak Park Elevated Railroad19.05.1908280,00unsold
81Chicago & South Western Railway01.10.1872180,00unsold
82Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad20.09.1898250,00250,00
83Chicago, Wilmington and Vermillion Coal Co.17.11.1911120,00130,00
84Cia. Azucarera Pedro Fernandez de Castro S.A.01.01.1900100,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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