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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Banco Central Mexicano S.A. (3 Stücke)15.10.1905200,00240,00
2Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913500,00500,00
3Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913500,00500,00 n
4Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (2 Stücke) + Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise 5 % Or 1914 (1 Stück)240,00240,00
5Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (3 Stücke)600,00600,00
6Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (5 Stücke)1.100,001.100,00 n
7Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (6 Stücke)900,00900,00 n
8Estados Unidos Mexicanos01.04.1896400,00400,00
9Estados Unidos Mexicanos01.12.1904250,00unsold
10Königreich Westphalen28.12.1808500,00500,00
11Königreich Westphalen28.02.1809800,00800,00
12Königreich Westphalen01.09.1811250,00unsold
13Königreich Westphalen08.04.18121.000,00unsold
14Königreich Westphalen01.10.1812200,00unsold
15Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916100,00120,00
16Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916100,00120,00
17Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916100,00120,00
18Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.191650,0070,00
19Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916200,00220,00
20Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916200,00220,00
21Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 191201.05.1912400,00unsold
22Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 191201.05.1912400,00unsold
23National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond (3 Stücke)01.01.1937200,00250,00
24Prefeitura do Districto Federal (mit Stempel)01.01.19041.000,001.000,00
25Republica Mexicana - Tesoreria General09.11.18433.000,00unsold
26Republica Mexicana01.01.1899500,00unsold
27Republica Mexicana - Deuda Nacional Consolidada01.01.18511.000,00unsold
28State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 190414.03.1905300,00300,00
29State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 190414.03.1905300,00300,00
30State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 190414.03.1905300,00300,00
31State of Bahia 5 % Funding Loan of 191531.03.1916200,00unsold
32State of Bahia 5 % Funding Loan of 192801.05.1928500,00unsold
33State of Paraná 5 % Gold Loan of 190501.12.1905100,00110,00
34State of Paraná 7 % Consolidated Loan08.10.19281.000,00unsold
35State of San Paulo 5 % Treasury Bonds 191308.04.1913200,00unsold
36State of San Paulo 5 % Treasury Bonds 191308.04.1913200,00unsold
37African Ostrich Farm and Feather Company06.03.1913750,00unsold
38Alaska Petroleum & Coal Co.07.05.190690,00unsold
39Amarillo Gold Mining Co.16.11.1896250,00unsold
40American Aeronautical Corporation13.05.1929120,00120,00
41American Austin Car Co.06.02.193025,0025,00 n
42American Express Co.12.03.1866200,00200,00 n
43American Importing & Transportation Co.09.02.190945,00unsold
44American Submarine Tunnel Company04.02.18542.700,00unsold
45Arcadia Mining Co.18.09.1896800,00unsold
46Argentine Republic, Ten Years Sinking Fund External Loan01.11.1938300,00650,00
47Argentine Tobacco Co. Ltd.15.03.1912175,00220,00
48Atlantic Bank of the City of New York22.07.1864250,00250,00
49Atlantic City & Suburban Traction Co.15.08.1903200,00unsold
50Atlantic Coast Steamship Co. of Florida01.01.1880100,00100,00 n
51Bahia Tramway Light & Power Co.20.11.1905125,00unsold
52Bank of Fayetteville29.01.1858850,001.100,00
53Bank of Kentucky16.12.1847100,00unsold
54Bank of Kentucky21.07.185590,0090,00
55Bank of the City of Petersburg12.02.1863850,00unsold
56Big Four Consolidated Mining and Milling Co.20.01.18941.000,00unsold
57Boston Elevated Railway (3 Stücke)100,00unsold
58Boston Sub-Marine & Wrecking Company21.04.18561.800,002.300,00
59Broadway Surface Railroad01.06.1885150,00unsold
60Brooklyn Elevated Railway01.09.1880200,00280,00
61Cairo Rail Road Co.20.04.1886120,00120,00 n
62California Dry Dock Co.14.05.1878500,00unsold
63Canadian North Pacific Fisheries Ltd.12.02.1912150,00150,00
64Catskill Ferry Co.23.08.1889300,00300,00 n
65Centennial International Exhibition (Centennial Board of Finance)27.05.1876500,00500,00
66Central-Hudson Steamboat Co.20.04.1899150,00unsold
67Central-Hudson Steamboat Co.06.04.1900250,00unsold
68Central-Hudson Steamboat Co.06.04.1900250,00unsold
69Cerveceria Córdoba S.A. Comercial, Industrial y Financiera05.12.196140,00unsold
70Cerveceria San Martin Bahia Blanca26.05.190260,00unsold
71Cerveceria Schlau S.A.04.05.192640,0040,00
72Charleston & Savannah Railroad11.04.1861300,00unsold
73Chattanooga Terminal Railway17.11.1892120,00unsold
74Cheraw & Chester Railroad02.04.1877400,00400,00
75Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co.24.05.1836800,00850,00
76Chicago & Alton Railroad01.10.1873120,00140,00
77Chicago, Aurora & Elgin Corp.01.04.192270,0070,00
78Chicago, Saginaw & Canada Railroad21.05.1873150,00150,00
79Cia. Brasileira de Exploracao de Portos S.A.26.09.192450,00unsold
80Cia. de Ferrocarriles del Distrito Federal de México S.A.31.12.189690,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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