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HSK Auction catalog XXX  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1AG für bergbauliche Arbeiten (14 Stücke)10.01.1912700,00unsold
2Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913200,00230,00
3Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (2 Stücke)21.05.191360,0075,00
4Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.1925120,00160,00
5Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.1925150,00160,00
6Cleveland & Erie Railway01.07.190990,00unsold
7Cleveland & Erie Railway01.07.190990,00unsold
8Danzig (Free City of Danzig, Tobacco Monopoly)10.10.1927125,00135,00
9Deutsches Reich, Deutsche Äussere Anleihe 192415.10.1924200,00550,00
10Deutsches Reich, Deutsche Äussere Anleihe 192415.10.1924200,00550,00
11Elektrowerke AG (Electric Power Corp.)01.04.1928100,00120,00
12Estados Unidos de Mexico, Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza01.04.1900350,00unsold
13Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México (National Railways of Mexico)01.10.1907100,00unsold
14German Provincial and Communal Banks Consolidated Agricultural Loan01.06.192890,00180,00
15Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.191190,00110,00
16Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.191190,00120,00 v
17Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion)02.11.1908150,00unsold
18Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion)02.11.1908250,00unsold
19Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion)02.11.1908250,00unsold
20Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion)02.11.1908350,00unsold
21Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion)02.11.1908350,00unsold
22Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion) 3 Stücke02.11.1908350,00350,00
23Republica de Cuba21.08.1950100,00130,00
24Republica Mexicana01.01.1899120,00200,00
25Republica Mexicana01.01.1899120,00250,00
26Republica Mexicana (4 Stücke)01.01.1899400,00950,00
27Republica Mexicana01.01.191080,00120,00
28Republica Mexicana08.06.1913100,00320,00
29Rhein-Main-Donau AG01.09.1925100,00140,00
30State of Hamburg (Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg)01.10.1926120,00150,00
31United States of Mexico (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)21.05.1924100,00unsold
32United States of Mexico (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)21.05.1924100,00unsold
33Allentown Dairy Corp.01.07.192675,0075,00
34American Express Co.11.04.1864750,00unsold
35American National Bank of Chicago (12 Stück)01.09.1891300,00330,00
36Baltimore & Ohio Railroad14.06.1842150,00unsold
37Baltimore & Yorktown Turnpike Road Co.22.05.188410,0052,00
38Banco Industrial & Mercantil01.01.187510,0033,00
39Bank of Beulah18.12.1906150,00170,00
40Bank of the United States (OU N. Biddle)07.09.1837400,00unsold
41Bedford & Bridgeport Railroad26.11.1873160,00160,00
42Beverly and Danvers Street Railway07.11.188975,0075,00 n
43Blanchard Avenue Street Railway01.07.1892175,00unsold
44Brashears Parlor & Sleeping Car Co.01.10.1887350,00unsold
45Brazil Great Southern Railway06.08.1886100,00100,00
46Brooklyn Elevated Railway01.09.1880200,00220,00
47Cabin Creek Kanawha Coal01.01.188185,0085,00
48California Eastern Extension Railroad01.10.1859260,00260,00
49Carthage, Watertown & Sackets Harbor Railroad15.01.1874240,00unsold
50Cayuga & Susquehanna Railroad26.05.1876130,00unsold
51Chicago, Springfield & St. Louis Railroad01.05.1883250,00unsold
52Cia. de Bonds Electricos Campo Grande-Guaratiba AS01.10.191665,00unsold
53Cie. d'Exploitation de l'Ile de la Tortue10.10.1863100,00140,00
54Cleveland, Painsville & Ashtabula Railroad01.10.1852125,00125,00
55Cleveland, Painsville & Ashtabula Railroad05.04.1856120,00unsold
56Commercial Bank of Keokuk, Iowa02.01.1872150,00170,00
57Commercial Cable Co.01.01.1897200,00unsold
58Commercial State Bank of Waterloo14.06.192010,0030,00
59Commonwealth Fisheries17.04.1916100,00110,00
60Compania Argentina de Motores Deutz Otto Legitimo S.A.08.06.1923180,00180,00
61Confederate States of America (41 Stücke)2.000,00unsold
62Dayton & Michigan Railroad21.05.186160,0065,00
63Docks Connecting Railway01.05.1886100,00100,00
64Empresa Pesquera Mollendo S.A.09.04.195260,0060,00
65Ford Technical Laboratories Inc.27.11.192290,0090,00
66Gillette Mfg. Co.02.08.1929100,00180,00
67Holman-Caldwell Roller-Gearing Locomotive Ass.24.04.1895120,00120,00
68Hudson River Bridge Company at Albany29.12.1881750,00800,00
69Hydrocarbon Petroleum Heat, Light and Power Co.01.05.190775,00unsold
70Illinois Central Railroad01.04.1851125,00unsold
71Indiana & Illinois Central Railway01.07.1871140,00140,00
72Jersey Shore, Pine Creek & Buffalo Railway16.01.1883600,00unsold
73Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway75,00105,00
74Lexington & Eastern Railway18.10.1894150,00unsold
75Little Miami Railroad & Cincinnati & Indiana Railroad Co.01.07.1864140,00150,00
76Little Rock, Mississippi River & Texas Railway01.05.1881350,00unsold
77Lykens Valley Coal Co.19.02.1838125,00125,00
78Maine Central Railroad02.02.1863100,00100,00
79Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of America06.05.191275,00unsold
80Merchants & Manufacturers Bank of Newark29.12.1871140,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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