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HSK Auction catalog XLII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Akô-Bank (KK Akô ginkô)01.01.1896160,00160,00 n
2Akô-Bank (KK Akô ginkô)19.06.1897120,00120,00
3Bank Noh-San01.01.1916100,00110,00
4Banque de Cochinchine S.A.20.10.1908180,00220,00
5China - Konvolut (3 Stücke)90,0095,00
6China - Konvolut (20 Stücke)400,00unsold
7Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 191202.09.1912100,00100,00
8Chinese Government - Konvolut (3 Stücke)100,00170,00
9Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.192590,0095,00
10Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Shanghai-Nanking Railway) II02.12.190470,0070,00
11Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernement de la République Chinoise07.04.191430,0030,00
12Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Emprunt 1903)12.04.190540,0040,00 n
13Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Emprunt 1903)25.04.190740,0040,00
14Gouvernement Impérial du Maroc12.06.1904480,00unsold
15Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.1911100,00100,00
16Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.1911100,00100,00
17Oriental Development Company (TÔYÔ TAKUSHOKU KK)15.03.1923380,00unsold
18Republic of China - Militär-Anleihe 191701.10.191740,0040,00
19Saiyama Shogyo Ginko (Saiayama Commercial Bank)01.01.1900120,00unsold
20Staatspresident der Zuid-Afrikaanschen Republiek12.05.1897200,00unsold
21Tôt-Lam S.A.29.08.1912240,00380,00
22Advanced Beet-Sugar Construction Co.24.09.1898140,00unsold
23American Airports Corp.16.09.1929100,00unsold
24American Bag Loaning Co. (Ltd.)01.11.1883100,00unsold
25American Investment Co.16.01.1890100,00100,00
26American Quick-Transit Steamship Company06.03.1882500,00unsold
27American Steamship Co. of Philadelphia14.11.1871150,00unsold
28American Union Telephone Co.01.08.190750,0050,00
29Atlantic & Pacific Railroad05.05.1854500,00unsold
30Atlas Transportation and Oil Co.02.04.190290,0090,00
31Bachman Valley Railroad15.12.1881130,00130,00 n
32Baldwin Locomotive Works18.02.193075,0075,00
33Banco Comercial y Agricola (3 Stücke)180,00unsold
34Bank of Eureka18.10.1934100,00120,00
35Bank of Georgetown15.05.190980,0080,00
36Bank of J. Amsden & Co.19.06.192980,0080,00
37Bank of Salina02.04.1835160,00160,00
38Bellefonte & Snow-Shoe Railroad01.07.1859280,00280,00
39Booth Fisheries Co.02.07.1920150,00unsold
40Borindum Extraction Co.01.12.1910100,00unsold
41Bristol Brass & Clock Co.01.12.189480,0080,00
42Brunswick & Albany Railroad01.10.1869400,00400,00
43Buffalo, Bradford & Pittsburgh Railroad10.01.1879100,00unsold
44Buffalo, Corning & New York Railroad30.08.1854200,00200,00
45Cahuenga Valley Railroad21.02.1893200,00220,00
46Central of Georgia Railway01.11.1895100,00100,00
47Central-Hudson Steamboat Co.20.04.1899100,00unsold
48Chart House Enterprises, Inc.70,00unsold
49Cherokee Railroad01.06.1871800,00unsold
50Chesapeake, Ohio & Southwestern Railroad (OU Huntington)28.01.1882360,00360,00
51Chicago Kansas & Western Railroad01.06.1886120,00unsold
52Chicago Subway Company01.06.1908100,00100,00
53Cia. Ferrocarril Nacional de Tehuantepec (Tehuantepec-National-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft)21.11.1904380,00unsold
54Cie. Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama S.A.29.11.1880200,00unsold
55Citizens Bank of Tobias18.09.1889140,00unsold
56Citizens National Bank of Boulder20.04.1921100,00110,00
57City of Rio de Janeiro (Federal District of the United States of Brazil) 6,5 % External Gold Loan01.02.192880,00unsold
58Claremont University & Ferries Street Railroad14.06.1901180,00180,00
59Colorado Northern Railway09.11.1883400,00420,00
60Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Co.18.05.193360,00unsold
61Combination Ocean Steam Ship Co.28.02.1910120,00unsold
62Commercial National Bank and Trust Co.15.07.192980,0080,00
63Commodore International Ltd.15.06.1994100,00120,00
64Compagnie Nouvelle Du Canal de Panama 1894 S. A.20.10.1894800,00unsold
65Contact Gold Mining and Tunnel Co.22.02.189980,0080,00
All prices are in Euro

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