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HSK Auction catalog XXXVIII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Banque de Cochinchine S.A.20.10.1908170,00170,00 n
2British Municipal Council Tientsin01.07.1934400,00unsold
3Central Bank of Manchukuo (Manshu Chuo Ginko Fukuhyo)01.01.1932250,00320,00
4China - Konvolut (10 Stücke)200,00260,00
5Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) - 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan01.06.19342.000,002.000,00
6Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 191202.09.1912100,00unsold
7Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation + Kaiserlich Chinesische (3 Stücke)100,00110,00
8Chinese Government National Loan01.01.1914650,00850,00
9Chinese Government Shanghai Hangchow Ningpo Railway01.01.193675,0080,00
10Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan)01.10.191980,0080,00
11Chinese Imperial Government Honan Railway 5 % Gold Loan of 190515.02.1906650,00unsold
12Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Shanghai-Nanking Railway) II02.12.190480,00unsold
13Chinwangato Glass Co.21.01.192130,0085,00
14Gouvernement Impérial du Japon15.05.1910150,00unsold
15Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913600,00unsold
16Government of the Chinese Republic (Marconi Loan)27.08.1918240,00unsold
17Imperial Chinese Governement Railway Loan of 1911 (Peking-Hankow Railway)01.01.1911600,00unsold
18Japanische Regierung01.01.194060,0060,00
19King Solomon’s Gold Mines, Ltd.24.04.189550,00unsold
20Manchou Electric Industry (Manshu Dengyo Kabushiki Gaisha Kabuken)01.03.1938100,00unsold
21Mandschurische Schwerindustrie-Entwicklungs AG (MANSHÛ JÛKÔGYÔ KAIHATSU KK)01.09.1938100,00unsold
22Manila Railway Co. (1906)10.05.1907100,00100,00
23Manila Railway Co. (1906)10.05.1907100,00100,00
24Ministerium für Eisenbahnbau01.01.193025,0028,00
25National Government of China Rehabiliation Short Term Bonds15.06.1928250,00550,00
26National Government of the Republic of China - Allied Victory Bond 194201.07.1942500,00500,00
27National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond01.01.193750,0055,00
28National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond01.01.1937750,00unsold
29Nationalist Government Lottery Loan of the 15th Year of the Republic of China, 192601.05.192620,0023,00
30Nationalist Government Lottery Loan of the 16th Year of the Republic of China, 192701.08.192720,0023,00
31Province Hunan01.12.1933100,00unsold
32Provincial Government of Kwang-Tung (China)01.11.191245,00unsold
33Provinz Kwangtung - National Defense01.03.193845,00unsold
34Provinz Kwangtung - National Defense (2 Stücke)01.01.193340,0040,00
35Republic of China01.07.1937650,00unsold
36Republic of China (1940) The 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan01.05.194070,0070,00 n
37Republic of China (1940) The 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan01.05.19401.500,001.500,00
38Republic of China - Allied Victory Loan 194401.07.1944300,00unsold
39Republik China Lung-Tsing-u-Hai-Eisenbahn01.01.1920200,00250,00 v
40Sony Corp.01.02.197490,00unsold
41South Manchuria Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd.13.04.1925150,00unsold
42Xinjiang Government01.01.194180,0080,00
43Xinjiang Government01.01.1941100,00unsold
44Yunnan Sichuan (Tern Yue Railway)01.01.1903240,00300,00
45African Ostrich Farm and Feather Company06.03.1913300,00unsold
46Alliance, Niles & Ashtabula Railroad02.01.1883180,00190,00
47American Express Co.06.09.1861300,00300,00
48American Express Co.01.04.1863300,00unsold
49American Express Co.17.10.1865250,00unsold
50American Salvage Co.12.06.1916150,00150,00
51Anderson Belt Railway09.12.189880,00unsold
52Arkansas Southern Extension Railway25.08.1905100,00110,00
53Arkansas Southwestern Railway02.01.190960,0060,00
54Asheville Southern Railway01.01.191480,00unsold
55Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fè Railroad in Chicago06.06.1889200,00unsold
56Bailey Run, Sugar Creek & Athens Railway30.11.192680,0088,00
57Banco Israelita del Uruguay16.03.193830,0030,00
58Banco Oriental de Mexicano S.A.01.01.1905150,00unsold
59Bankers and Merchants Telegraph Co.14.08.1884250,00unsold
60Bay Shore Railroad29.04.1884120,00120,00
61Beaver Valley Railroad29.07.191380,0085,00
62Berkshire Railroad16.10.1905100,00unsold
63Birmingham & Northwestern Railway01.07.1912150,00160,00
64Boston & Albany Rail Road27.10.1870600,00unsold
65Briggs National Bank of Clyde27.04.188050,00unsold
66Brownsville Street Railway06.04.190680,0095,00
67Caldwell Railway23.01.189080,0090,00
68Cambridge & Seaford Railroad21.04.1885120,00unsold
69Camden County Railroad07.01.1891160,00unsold
70Canada Southern Railway01.01.1880100,00unsold
71Canadian Helicopters (CHC Helicopter Corp.)10.03.199930,0030,00
72Canton & East Liverpool Railway03.03.191780,0080,00
73Carbondale Coal and Coke Co.27.10.1883250,00unsold
74Carbondale & Shawneetown Railroad09.06.188080,0085,00
75Carolina & Tennessee Southern Railway11.12.1902120,00unsold
76Tennessee & Carolina Southern Railway11.11.191560,0065,00
77Carthage, Watertown & Sackets Harbor Railroad15.01.1874100,00100,00
78Carthage, Watertown & Sackets Harbor Railroad01.08.1902100,00unsold
79Charter Oak Petroleum Co. of West Virginia08.05.1865160,00unsold
80Chesapeake & Ohio Northern Railway12.07.1918100,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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