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HSK Auction catalog XXIII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1American Bosch Corp.01.01.1919240,00unsold
2American Merchants Union Express Co.30.12.1868250,00270,00
3Atlantic & Pacific Railroad01.11.1871300,00unsold
4Baltimore and Carolina Steamship Co.10.06.1910100,00110,00
5Baltimore and Tampa Steamship Co.10.06.1926100,00unsold
6Baltimore & Drum Point Railroad04.06.1890600,00650,00
7Baltimore & Eastern Shore Railroad08.03.1892180,00180,00
8Baltimore & Ohio Railroad28.10.191925,0044,00
9Baltimore School of Art Needle Work19.01.190160,0070,00
10Baltimore & Towsontown Railroad16.07.1860280,00280,00
11Banco de Crédito Argentina S.A. Cooperativa Limitada29.01.1907100,00180,00
12Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.01.03.191260,00unsold
13Banco del Comercio del Perú31.12.188280,00unsold
14Banco Latino del Plata04.06.190750,0050,00
15Banco Nacional de Santo Domingo S.A.15.10.188990,0090,00
16Bank of Pensacola29.04.1835180,00unsold
17Barberton, Akron & Eastern Railway23.11.190175,0075,00 n
18Bedford & Hollidaysburg Railroad11.10.1902150,00unsold
19Bethlehem Motors Corp.28.04.1920175,00unsold
20Big Fork & International Falls Railway20.04.193890,00unsold
21Boeing Company01.01.1990100,00100,00
22Boston & New York Chickasaw Land Co.25.01.1844150,00unsold
23Boston, Newport and New York Steamboat Co.07.12.186390,00unsold
24Bradford Railroad30.04.1888150,00165,00
25Brazos River Channel and Dock Co.01.04.1889500,00unsold
26British Associated Oil Company Ltd.21.10.192630,00unsold
27Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad01.04.1901250,00unsold
28Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad03.07.1902150,00unsold
29Bustleton Railroad27.12.189080,0080,00
30Cambria & Clearfield Railway01.08.1903100,00unsold
31Cambridge & Seaford Railroad21.04.1885150,00unsold
32Cape May & Millville Railroad28.09.1866140,00unsold
33Carolina Central Railroad01.02.1881125,00160,00
34Central Union Depot & Railway Co. of Cincinnati12.11.189165,0065,00
35Cerveceria San Martin Bahia Blanca26.05.190250,00unsold
36Chicago and Wyoming Gold Mining Co.26.04.1871250,00unsold
37Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad11.06.1897150,00unsold
38Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad18.04.190780,00unsold
39Chilian Eastern Central Railway22.09.191035,0035,00
40Cia. Azucarera Valdez31.03.194250,0050,00
41Cia. del Ferrocarril de la Oroya y Mineral de Pasco S.A.31.01.187875,0085,00
42Cia. Uniao dos Lavradores01.01.189075,00unsold
43Cie. du Chemin de Fer Sao Paulo & Rio Grande S.A.01.04.1902100,00100,00
44Cie. du Chemin de Fer Victoria a Minas S.A. (Victoria Minas Railway)31.07.190290,00unsold
45Cie. Gén. de l'Orénoque S.A.16.03.188885,00unsold
46Cie. Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama S.A.15.09.1887100,00unsold
47Cienfuegos, Palmira & Cruces Electric Railway & Power Co.02.08.191850,0055,00
48Clearwater Short Line Railway21.11.1898200,00unsold
49Cleveland, Indiana & St. Louis Railroad10.01.1885180,00180,00
50Columbia Gesangverein31.12.190160,0070,00
51Compania Cubana de Jarcia01.01.1912100,00unsold
52Compania Docks de Transito del Puerto de La Plata01.09.188910,0095,00
53Compania Minera S.A. Nueva Concordia05.11.191075,00unsold
54Compania “RIO PEREZ” de Lavaderos de Oro01.06.190750,00unsold
55Compania Terrenos de Golf en San Martin S.A.22.09.192260,0060,00
56Confederate States of America, Cr. 159 (R5) - Ball 354 (R5)01.01.1864300,00300,00
57Consolidated Telephone Co.01.06.1885225,00unsold
58Consumers’ Coal Co.01.09.188765,0067,00
59Cresson & Irvona Railroad07.01.1897180,00unsold
60Davidson Marble Co.10.09.189050,00unsold
61Deppé Motors Corp.08.12.192790,0090,00
62Douglas Aircraft Comany01.01.1960150,00unsold
63E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.01.01.196090,0090,00
64East Pennsylvania Railroad29.04.191235,0041,00
65Eastern Shore Railroad31.03.1860900,00unsold
66El Delta del Guazu S.A.02.01.190860,00unsold
67Empresa del Ferro-Carril de Guantanamo31.12.187775,0075,00 v
68Etat d’Alagoas10.08.190665,00unsold
69Everett National Bank of Boston16.08.1865100,00130,00
70Ferro Carril Central de Buenos Aires Ltda.21.07.193160,00unsold
71First National Bank of Chicago01.11.1863120,00140,00
72Genesee Falls Railway21.12.1887200,00200,00 v
73German Union Fire Insurance Co.16.10.190980,00unsold
74Great European American Emigration Land Co.24.10.1868650,00800,00
75Harroun Motors Corp.09.07.1917150,00unsold
76Hartford and New York Transportation Co.01.04.1887180,00unsold
77Herschell-Spillman Motor22.11.1919120,00unsold
78Hibberd Oil Co.29.08.1864280,00unsold
79Holliday’s Cove Railroad24.12.1866150,00unsold
80Humeston & Shenandoah Railroad01.03.1881180,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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Bayerische Elektricitäts-Lieferungs-Gesellschaft AG (früher Solinger Kleinbahn-AG)
Bayerische Elektricitäts-Lieferungs-Gesellschaft AG (früher Solinger Kleinbahn-AG)
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