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HSK Auction catalog XXXVI  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1American - Oriental Bank of Szechuen01.01.19291.800,00unsold
2China Airways Federal Inc. U.S.A.30.03.19331.000,001.500,00
3China - Konvolut (12 Stücke)200,00265,00
4China - Konvolut (63 Stücke)1.000,001.000,00 n
5China - Konvolut (9 Stücke)400,00480,00
6China Railway & Mining Corp.08.08.19003.000,00unsold
7Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913500,00680,00
8Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan)01.10.191975,0081,00
9Chinese Imperial Railway Canton-Kowloon Railway07.03.190770,0080,00
10Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernement de la République Chinoise07.04.191440,0044,00
11Governement de la Republique Chinoise, Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-u-Hai-Eisenbahn01.09.1920500,00unsold
12Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.19131.000,001.000,00 n
13Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway (4 Bonds)4.000,004.000,00
14Imperial Chinese Governement Railway Loan of 1911 (Peking-Hankow Railway)01.01.1911400,00550,00
15Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.191150,0051,00
16Imperial Japanese Goverment20.03.1907500,00unsold
17New China Textile Co. Ltd.18.09.194460,00unsold
18Shanghai-Nanking Railway02.12.190420,0024,00
19Alabama & Chattanooga Railroad04.01.1869150,00150,00
20Alexandria & St. Louis Railway17.06.1893300,00unsold
21Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway09.06.191770,00unsold
22American Bank and Trust Co.25.07.1917100,00100,00
23American Motor Transportation Co.12.01.1929120,00unsold
24Arizona Telephone and Telegraph Co.17.11.1911120,00120,00
25Atlantic Dock Co.21.02.1910300,00300,00
26Atlantic & Great Western Railroad Co.21.07.187575,00unsold
27Baltimore & Cumberland Railway27.04.1917200,00320,00
28Baltimore & Eastern Shore Railroad08.03.1892150,00160,00 v
29Baltimore Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co.21.08.1902100,00unsold
30Banco Garantizador (3 Stücke)400,00400,00
31Bangor and Piscataquis Railroad26.07.18691.000,002.600,00
32Bank of America N.A.07.06.192930,0034,00
33Bank of the United States of America24.07.1840150,00160,00
34Belt Railway10.08.1918160,00170,00
35Bethlehem & Nazareth Passenger Railway04.10.1928100,00110,00
36Bickford Railway Electric Co.29.08.1887120,00unsold
37Black River & St. Lawrence Railway10.01.1871350,00370,00
38Booth Fisheries Co.31.05.1922150,00150,00
39Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad19.03.186640,00unsold
40Bridgeton & Port Norris Railroad01.01.1872250,00320,00
41Buffalo, Cleveland & Chicago Railway Co. of Pennsylvania20.11.1880180,00unsold
42Bullion and Exchange Bank18.10.188890,00unsold
43Burlington, Muscatine & Northwestern Railway15.06.192860,0070,00
44Calixto Lopez & Co.22.01.1913180,00220,00
45Canadian Husky Oil Ltd.08.12.195890,00unsold
46Canadian Pacific Railway23.12.1913160,00unsold
47Carthage & Western Railway17.05.1909200,00unsold
48Cedar Falls & Minnesota Railroad22.10.1864100,00120,00
49Central Wyoming Telephone Co.25.01.190060,00unsold
50Chart House Enterprises, Inc.100,00unsold
51Chelsea Yacht Club15.03.1912150,00150,00
52Chicago, Fort Madison & Des Moines Railroad22.03.1899100,00110,00
53Chicago & South Western Railway (Atchison Branch)01.06.1871250,00unsold
54Chicago Southern Railway01.07.1906125,00unsold
55Cia. Minera de Santander12.05.189675,0075,00
56Cia. San Agustin de Huantajaya25.04.1894150,00150,00
57Cincinnati, Indianapolis St. Louis & Chicago Ry.19.10.1886120,00unsold
58City Railway Co. of Pasadena10.10.1889300,00300,00
59Colorado Telephone Co.09.07.1907100,00unsold
60Columbus Zoological Company11.04.1903850,00unsold
61Compania Cervecera Internacional S.A.12.08.1915100,00100,00 n
62Conestoga National Bank07.04.1915150,00200,00
63Conestoga National Bank of Lancaster16.03.1934100,00150,00
64Confederate States of America, Cr. 117 (R10) - Ball 157 (R5+)01.06.1863240,00unsold
65Continental Insurance Company12.07.1866140,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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