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HSK Auction catalog XXI  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Acacia Gold Mining Co.16.11.189950,00unsold
2Akron Odd Fellows Temple Co.06.08.190445,0048,00
3American Insurance Company07.01.1886280,00280,00
4American Sugar Refining Co.01.01.192070,0070,00
5Amie Consolidated Mining Co.28.10.1880100,00100,00
6Apple Computer, Inc.02.11.199885,00unsold
7Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.01.03.191270,0070,00
8Banco de San Carlos10.01.1859160,00unsold
9Banco Espanol del Rio de la Plata S.A.10.12.191060,0060,00
10Banking House E. H. Horner01.01.1887450,00450,00
11Bear Creek & Western Railway30.07.1909150,00180,00
12Boston Beer Co.24.11.199850,00unsold
13Brooklyn, Flatbush & Coney Island Railway02.08.1878600,00unsold
14Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway06.02.190210,0020,00
15Burlington & Missouri River Railroad04.04.187070,0070,00
16Burlington & Northwestern Railway16.06.188650,0050,00
17California Navigation and Improvement Co.29.03.1910125,00unsold
18Cedar Rapids & Missouri River Railroad20.05.1868100,00unsold
19Chattanooga Union Railway28.11.1890200,00unsold
20Chesapeake & Western Railroad01.08.1896160,00160,00
21Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad28.07.189140,0040,00
22Chicago, Fort Madison & Des Moines Railroad22.03.189985,00unsold
23Choctaw, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad09.11.190040,00unsold
24Cie. Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama S.A.15.01.188370,0070,00
25Cincinnati Northern Railroad07.02.190280,00unsold
26Cle-Elum Coal Co.23.08.189440,00unsold
27Clearwater Short Line Railway29.11.1909120,00130,00
28Cleveland, Canton & Southern Railroad21.06.1898140,00unsold
29Cleveland, St. Louis & Kansas City Railway02.04.1888150,00unsold
30Cleveland & Toledo Railroad Co.16.10.1867100,00unsold
31Columbia Airlines, Inc.01.01.193580,0080,00
32Compagnie du Port de Rio de Janeiro S.A.02.09.191240,0048,00
33Compania de las Minas de Hierro de Arditurri28.11.190575,00unsold
34Compania de Seguros LA REPUBLICA15.06.190350,0055,00
35Compania “RIO PEREZ” de Lavaderos de Oro01.06.190760,0065,00
36Confederate States of America, Cr. 3 (R10) - Ball 14 (R7-)11.05.18612.000,002.350,00
37Confederate States of America, Cr. 13 (R7) - Ball 24 (R5+)01.07.1861200,00220,00
38Confederate States of America, Cr. 14 (R6) - Ball 27 (R5+)01.01.1863160,00unsold
39Confederate States of America, Cr. 25 (R8) - Ball 39 (R6-)10.03.1863160,00unsold
40Confederate States of America, Cr. 54 (R7) - Ball 46 (R5)18.01.1862125,00unsold
41Confederate States of America, Cr. 57 (R7) - Ball 55 (R5-)10.06.186270,0070,00
42Confederate States of America, Cr. 90 (R6) - Ball 82 (R4+)25.09.186270,00unsold
43Confederate States of America, Cr. 95 A (R6) - Ball 106 (R5-)06.02.186350,0050,00
44Confederate States of America, Cr. 96 (R10) - Ball 110 (R4+)02.12.186260,0060,00 n
45Confederate States of America, Cr. 135 (R8) - Ball 275 (R5+)01.08.1863220,00unsold
46Confederate States of America, Cr. 141 D (R9) - Ball 294 (R6)08.07.1864200,00200,00
47Confederate States of America, Cr. 162 D (R6) - Ball 347 (R6-)02.09.1864140,00unsold
48Connecticut Telephone Co.12.08.1881130,00unsold
49Consolidated Lake Superior Co.24.09.190150,0050,00
50Continental Airlines Inc.21.12.199970,00unsold
51Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley Railroad01.05.188860,00unsold
52Corporación Minera de Famatina S.A.01.08.191850,0060,00
53Dakota Pacific Railroad15.05.1899200,00unsold
54Detroit Aircraft Corp.30.07.1934275,00unsold
55Dow Jones & Company, Inc.11.09.200280,0090,00
56Drummond & Philipsburg Railroad19.12.1896100,00unsold
57Durham & South Carolina Railroad17.09.1913125,00unsold
58East Brandywine & Waynesburg Railroad27.08.1860400,00480,00
59eBay Inc.12.09.2002120,00135,00
60Empire du Mexique01.01.186565,00unsold
61Empire Sewing Machine Co.13.02.1869280,00unsold
62Ensley Southern Railway04.10.1900150,00unsold
63État de l’Amazone (Estado do Amazonas / State of the Amazon)16.07.190680,0080,00
64Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycle Manufacturing Co.10.03.199880,00unsold
65Exposition Cotton Mills13.02.1883120,00120,00
66Fageol Motors Co.13.05.192670,00unsold
67Farmingdale & Squan Village Rail Road02.05.187890,00unsold
68Farmville & Powhatan Railroad01.05.1888150,00unsold
69First National Bank of Media02.01.186560,0060,00
70Florida Gaming Corp.17.08.199860,0066,00
71Georgia Northern Railway02.12.190380,0081,00
72Georgia Railroad & Banking Co.28.04.1853190,00unsold
73German Mutual Fire Insurance13.11.191345,00unsold
74Germania Fire Insurance Co.18.03.1863220,00unsold
75Gold Valley Placer Mining Co.01.05.1895100,00100,00 v
76Gouvernement des Etats Unis du Bresil24.07.1909220,00unsold
77Gran Lecheria Central de Buenos Aires S.A.20.06.190650,00unsold
78Grand Gulf & Port Gibson Railroad30.11.1870140,00unsold
79Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad25.05.188275,00110,00
80Great Lakes Aircraft Corp.24.09.1931400,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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