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HSK Auction catalog XXIV  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Aberdeen-Huron & Southern Railway01.08.190885,0085,00
2Adirondack Stage Co.02.07.1889500,00unsold
3Allentown Iron Co.28.06.186770,00unsold
4American Bank24.05.1858200,00360,00
5Anglo-Norwegian Holdings Ltd.01.01.1929100,00110,00
6Associated Motion Picture Schools for the Training of Playwrights05.02.191535,00unsold
7Atlantic & Pacific Railroad01.11.1871300,00unsold
8Ayuntamiento de la Habana01.04.188985,0085,00
9Baltimore & Yorktown Turnpike Road Co.22.05.1884100,00unsold
10Banco Colombiano01.01.1876150,00unsold
11Banco do Brasil01.01.1853250,00unsold
12Banco Hipotecario de Bogota01.01.192590,00unsold
13Banco Nacional de Bolivia11.07.1928150,00unsold
14Bank of Elvins28.06.1900200,00220,00
15Bank of Germantown01.08.1815200,00unsold
16Bank of Pennsylvania27.11.1857300,00unsold
17Belt Railroad & Stock Yard Co.11.11.191960,0066,00
18Bond Automobile Co.22.10.1924175,00175,00
19Boston Consolidated Street Railway02.08.188710,0065,00
20Brazilian Company24.09.1833500,00unsold
21Brazilian Company, Conceicao Mine18.02.1836500,00unsold
22Brazos River Channel and Dock Co.01.04.1889500,00unsold
23Cameron Petroleum Co.08.05.1865250,00250,00
25Cape Ann Fish Company27.04.1914150,00160,00
26Central Ohio Railroad28.04.187760,0060,00
27Central Railway Construction14.06.187285,0085,00
28Centreville & Corsica River Steam Boat Co.01.01.188080,00110,00
29Cessna Aircraft Co.500,00unsold
30Chester River Steamboat Company01.01.187080,00unsold
31Chestnut Hill Railroad29.10.186040,0050,00 v
32Chicago & Southern Traction27.05.1908120,00unsold
33Chilian Government (Coquimbo Railway)06.02.1900350,00350,00
34Christmas Wonder Mining Co.09.07.1907600,00unsold
35Cia. Brasileira de Exploracao de Portos S.A.26.09.192460,00unsold
36Cia. de Seguros Maritimos e Terrestres do Imperio do Brazil01.01.1856150,00170,00
37Cie. Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama S.A.01.10.188375,00unsold
38Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis & Chicago Railway26.02.188960,00unsold
39Citizens Bank21.10.1876200,00240,00
40City of New Brunswick29.07.187235,00unsold
41Coca-Cola Co.15.01.1929450,00620,00
42Cole Motor Car Co.15.07.191650,0060,00
43Commonwealth Pictures Corp.19.07.1917200,00unsold
44Compania Azucarera Tucumana S.A.15.08.189635,0035,00
45Confederate States of America, Cr. 117 (R10) - Ball 157 (R5+)01.06.1863350,00unsold
46Consolidierte 5 % Mexikanische äußere Anleihe von 189901.07.1899120,00unsold
47Darby Bank and Trust Company19.11.1926120,00150,00
48Del Norte & Humboldt Railroad05.03.1903450,00unsold
49Doehler-Jarvis Corp.16.05.194535,0035,00
50Dry Goods Bank03.03.1875300,00420,00
51Dublin National Bank31.08.1934120,00160,00
52Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific Railway01.04.1911100,00unsold
53Duluth & Winnipeg Railroad01.11.1881120,00unsold
54East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway06.12.1888125,00unsold
55Eastern Shore Railroad31.03.1860900,00900,00
56Estrada de Ferro de D. Pedro 2. S.A.01.01.1855250,00unsold
57Ferrocarriles de Toluca á Tenango y Sn. Juan S.A.01.03.1907200,00250,00
58Flint Motor Co.05.09.192375,0075,00
59Florida Health Resort and Recreational Center for Women Inc.05.11.1930135,00135,00
60Florida Midland Railway03.03.1886300,00unsold
61Ford Motor Co. of Canada20.11.19191.500,00unsold
62Fox Film Corp.01.01.1915135,00unsold
63Frontier Airlines27.07.200035,0035,00 v
64Galveston Bay & Texas Land Co.16.10.1830900,00unsold
65Garges Pharmacies01.04.190460,00unsold
66General Electric Co.03.02.1930650,00650,00
67Geneva, Corning & Southern Railroad14.04.191110,0020,00
68Gold Hill Consolitated Mining Co.06.07.1880165,00unsold
69Goshen & Deckertown Railway21.04.192870,0075,00
70Great Belcher Gold Mine Co.10.03.1900165,00unsold
71Great Lakes Aircraft Corp.31.08.1933500,00unsold
72Gulf & Ship Island Railroad11.11.1908120,00150,00
73Hanover & York Railroad04.04.187970,00110,00
74Harrisburg Railways17.05.192310,0020,00
75Hazard Wharf Company of Baltimore City27.10.1902120,00120,00
76Hereford Railway15.02.190160,0075,00
77Hibernia Bank & Trust Co.18.10.1928120,00160,00
78Hoboken Ferry Co.28.10.189685,00unsold
79Houston & Texas Central Railway20.06.1873400,00unsold
80Hudson & St. Lawrence Railroad01.07.1873350,00390,00
All prices are in Euro

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