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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Atlantic Mail Steamship Co.27.01.1873400,00unsold
2American Railroad Wood Saw Co.28.02.1876200,00200,00
3Amerika - Konvolut (32 Stücke im Album)10,00220,00
4Aransas Pass Harbor Co.12.08.1895450,00unsold
5Aransas Pass Harbor Co.01.01.1896250,00unsold
6Arctic Alaska Fisheries Corp.01.01.1937120,00140,00
7Arrow Steamship Co.13.08.1890400,00unsold
8Atlantic and Pacific Steamship Co.19.08.191680,0085,00
9Atlantic & Pacific Railroad01.10.188075,0075,00 n
10Bacuranao Mining Petroleum Co. S.A.08.04.191845,0045,00
11Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.01.03.191265,0065,00 v
12Banco La Providencia09.07.187185,0085,00
13Bank of Virginia27.11.1863250,00250,00
14Barnstable Bank30.01.1826150,00unsold
15Bethlehem & Nazareth Passenger Railway10.01.1900100,00100,00 n
16Boston Steamboat and Pier Co.10.01.1887400,00unsold
17Brainerd & Northern Minnesota Railway18.04.1892600,00unsold
18Brooklyn Steamship & Emigration Co.01.06.1867300,00300,00
19Brookville Railway15.06.1898150,00unsold
20Buffalo, Cleveland & Chicago Railway20.11.1880300,00300,00
21Burning Spring Oil Co.02.11.1864250,00unsold
22California Eastern Extension Railroad01.10.1859240,00unsold
23California Eastern Railway20.01.1896250,00250,00
24Camden & Amboy Rail Road & Transportation (Joint stock of Delaware & Raritan Canal Co. & Camden & Amboy RR & Transportation) (OU Robert L. Stevens)04.01.1834500,00unsold
25Catskill Ferry Co.23.08.1889350,00430,00
26Central-Hudson Steamboat Co.20.04.1899180,00180,00
27Chartiers Connecting Railroad23.01.1885200,00200,00 n
28Chesapeake Bank29.01.191380,0090,00
29Chesapeake & Ohio Northern Railway18.09.1916250,00unsold
30Chesapeake & Ohio Railway19.02.194175,0075,00
31Chesapeake & Western Railroad01.08.1896160,00160,00 n
32Chicago, Danville & Vincennes Railroad01.01.1873450,00unsold
33Chicago Elevated Terminal Railway17.12.1891300,00unsold
34Chicago, Lake Geneva & Pacific Railway01.01.1887500,00500,00 n
35Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway27.03.1911180,00180,00
36Chicago & Northwestern Railway07.07.1933100,00110,00 v
37Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad11.06.1897150,00unsold
38Chicago-Brazilian Diamond Company18.07.1907100,00unsold
39Cia. Industrial y Minera Taquimilan CIMITA S.A.15.05.194285,0085,00
40Cia. Mercantil Chubut S.A.20.11.191365,00unsold
41Cia. Metropolitana de Tramways al Puerto de Buenos Aires24.08.1889100,00unsold
42Cie. des Chemins de Fer Fédéraux Brésiliens (Réseau Sud de Minas)07.05.1910120,00unsold
43Cienfuegos, Palmira & Cruces Electric Railway & Power Co.02.08.191850,0050,00
44Cincinnati, Portsmouth & Virginia Railroad30.09.1903250,00270,00
45Cleveland & Toledo Railroad20.05.1854100,00100,00
46Columbus, Shawnee & Hocking Railway01.01.1890150,00unsold
47Commercial National Bank of Chicago20.03.1865150,00180,00
48Commercial State Bank24.05.1890125,00125,00
49Compania Minera S.A. Nueva Concordia05.11.191075,0075,00
50Compania Terrenos de Golf en San Martin S.A.22.09.192260,00unsold
51Comstock Tunnel Company01.09.188990,00unsold
52Consolidated Ice Manufacturing, Refrigerating and Fish Co.10.03.1902200,00unsold
53Corona & Santa Fe Railway16.10.1926200,00unsold
54Cowley, Sumner & Fort Smith Railroad15.04.1880350,00unsold
55Crossett, Monticello & Northern Railway01.05.191280,0081,00
56Cuban Land and Steamship Co.18.11.1901250,00unsold
57Demoine Navigation & Railroad21.09.1855100,00100,00
58Denver, Enid & Gulf Railroad15.07.1902200,00unsold
59Denver, Texas & Fort Worth Railroad09.01.1890250,00unsold
60Des Moines Union Railway08.04.1890250,00250,00 n
61Detroit, Grand Rapids & Western Railroad13.04.1899150,00150,00
62Dick & Brothers Quincy Brewery Co.23.06.1909100,00100,00
63Durham & South Carolina Railroad17.09.1913100,00unsold
64East St. Louis - New Athens Brewing Co.02.01.191880,0088,00
65East & West Railroad Co. of Alabama26.03.1888150,00unsold
66Eisenbahnen USA - (67 Stücke im Album)10,00900,00
67Elsinore, Pomona & Los Angeles Railway07.11.1898300,00unsold
68Empire du Mexique01.01.1865100,00100,00
69Erie & North East Railroad26.07.185990,00unsold
70Exchange Bank of Virginia16.07.1857350,00350,00
71Fábrica de Ladrillos de Zárate S.A.01.12.191175,00unsold
72Farmers Bank of the State of Delaware11.07.1822700,00unsold
73First National Bank of Seattle26.07.1884120,00170,00
74Flushing Co-operative Savings and Loan Association08.09.189180,0080,00
75Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.22.03.1929400,00unsold
76Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad26.09.1870200,00unsold
77Galveston, Houston & Henderson Railroad08.10.1857150,00150,00
78Geary Street, Park & Ocean Railroad16.10.1896250,00unsold
79Georgia Railroad & Banking Co.24.04.1849180,00unsold
80Gold Mint Mining Co. of Larder Lake19.06.190780,00100,00
All prices are in Euro

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