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HSK Auction catalog XXXII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Banco Central Mexicano S.A. (3 Stücke)15.10.1905300,00 subject to payment
2Banco Central Mexicano S.A.02.01.1908100,00 subject to payment
3Banco de Guanajuato S.A.01.01.19061.000,00 subject to payment
4Banco de Guanajuato S.A. (2 Stücke)01.01.19062.000,00 subject to payment
5Banco de Londres y Mexico S.A.28.02.19351.000,00unsold
6Banco de San Luis Potosi15.10.189712.500,00 subject to payment
7Banco de San Luis Potosi15.10.18972.500,00 v, subject to payment
8Banco de Tamaulipas01.07.1907650,00 subject to payment
9Banco Hipotecario de Crédito Territorial Mexicano S.A.01.01.1914100,00unsold
10Banco Hipotecario de Crédito Territorial Mexicano S.A. (2 Stücke)150,00unsold
11Banco Hipotecario de Crédito Territorial Mexicano S.A. (3 Stücke)200,00unsold
12Banco Oriental de Mexicano S.A.01.01.19051.000,00unsold
13Banco Peninsular Mexicano S.A.01.07.1908100,00unsold
14Banco Peninsular Mexicano S.A. (4 Stücke)01.07.1908200,00unsold
15Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 191202.09.1912100,00 subject to payment
16Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913100,00160,00
17Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (16 Stücke)2.500,002.950,00
18Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (6 Stücke)1.000,001.500,00
19Ciudad de Puebla de Zaragoza01.01.1910100,00unsold
20Cuyutlan Gold Mines Co.26.03.19138.000,00 subject to payment
21Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Deuda Interior 189601.01.1896200,00 subject to payment
22Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)01.04.1895200,00 subject to payment
23Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)01.04.1895100,00 subject to payment
24Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)01.04.1898200,00260,00
25Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)01.04.1898200,00260,00
26Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)01.04.1898500,00 subject to payment
27Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)01.10.1899250,00250,00
28Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)01.10.18991.000,00 subject to payment
29Government of the Province of Petchili04.04.19131.000,00 subject to payment
30Government of the Province of Petchili04.04.19131.000,00 subject to payment
31Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan (7 Stücke)15.06.1911200,00 subject to payment
32Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion) (16 Stücke)750,00750,00
33Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion) (3 Stücke)350,00unsold
34Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion)02.11.1908300,00unsold
35Königlich Sächsische Staatsschulden-Casse31.03.1855100,00150,00
36Königlich Sächsische Staatsschulden-Casse01.07.1858100,00190,00
37Königlich Sächsische Staatsschulden-Casse08.02.1868100,00190,00
38Königreich Sachsen01.04.1892100,00100,00
39Königreich Westphalen28.12.18081.000,00 subject to payment
40Königreich Westphalen05.12.18082.000,00 subject to payment
41Königreich Westphalen01.08.1812500,00unsold
42Konversionskasse für Deutsche Auslandsschulden01.07.193625,0025,00
43Konversionskasse für Deutsche Auslandsschulden01.07.1936100,00100,00 n
44Mexican Empire25.04.1864100,00220,00
45National Pisco to Yca Railway (2 Stücke)01.05.1869150,00250,00
46Republic of Bolivia19.01.1872100,00 subject to payment
47Republica Argentina17.02.1887100,00unsold
48Republic of Mexico05.05.1823500,00 subject to payment
49Republica Mexicana31.12.1885500,00 subject to payment
50Republica Mexicana31.12.1885500,00 subject to payment
51Republica Mexicana31.12.18852.000,00unsold
52Republica Mexicana31.12.18854.000,00unsold
53Republica Mexicana01.01.1910150,00150,00
54Republica Mexicana08.06.1913200,00 subject to payment
55Republica Mexicana - Deuda Nacional Consolidada01.01.18511.500,00 subject to payment
56Republica Mexicana - Deuda Nacional Consolidada (2 Stücke)01.01.1851100,00200,00
57Republica Mexicana - Direccion de la Deuda Publica08.08.18901.000,00 subject to payment
58Republik Chile01.01.1930100,00 subject to payment
59Tehuantepec-National-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (4 Stücke)02.07.1909200,00200,00
60United States of Mexico (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko)21.05.192475,00 subject to payment
61Alabama and Tennessee River Railroad01.01.1855350,00600,00
62Alabama Barge and Coal Co.15.07.1902125,00135,00
63Alaska Gold Syndicate Co.07.12.1897300,00unsold
64Ambrose Diehl Electric Co.27.02.192250,00unsold
65American Cotton Gin Saw Cleaning Co.13.10.188180,0085,00
66American Export Lines Inc.01.01.1936200,00unsold
67American Express Co.21.05.18537.500,00unsold
68American Express Co.17.10.1865500,00unsold
69American Salvage Co.12.06.1916250,00unsold
70Ashland Coal & Iron Railway01.07.1902150,00160,00
71Aspen and Maroon Railway90,00unsold
72Atlantic and Gulf Railroad22.01.1874200,00260,00
73Auto Motive Tractor Corp. of America24.12.1919140,00unsold
74Automatic Spring Motor Car & Carriage Co.14.11.1884300,00unsold
75Baltimore & Ohio Railroad21.03.185365,0066,00
76Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York Railroad16.11.1874400,00650,00
77Banco Rural e Hypothecario23.03.1887150,00unsold
78Bank of Virginia10.12.1836600,00unsold
79Baton Rouge, Hammond & Eastern Railroad20.04.1901125,00125,00
80Belle Bank12.08.1918150,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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