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HSK Auction catalog XXXVII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Anglo-Java Estates, Ltd.22.09.192860,0060,00
2Auckland & Suburban Drainage Board01.05.1913150,00unsold
3Banque de Cochinchine S.A. (Fehldruck)20.10.1908200,00200,00
4Bond Corporation International Investments Ltd. (4 Stücke)80,00unsold
5Cheong Tai Metal Company Ltd.01.01.1952120,00140,00
6China (5 Stücke)10,0044,00
7Chinese Engineering and Mining Co.30,0048,00
8Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (11 Stücke)600,00unsold
9Colonie de Madagascar01.03.190650,0050,00
10Dai Nippon Koku K.K. (Imperial Japanese Airways)01.05.1949350,00350,00
11Dairy Farm Co. Ltd.15.11.1916150,00unsold
12Ensuiko Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd.01.01.1938150,00180,00
13Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise, C.d.F. Lung-Tsing-U-Hai (16 Stücke)100,00120,00
14Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited11.04.1961150,00150,00 v
15Hongkong Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd.19.12.193550,00unsold
16Hongkong Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd.31.12.193875,00unsold
17Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Ltd.01.07.1932125,00unsold
18Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Ltd.02.04.196980,00unsold
19Kwong Shing Cheong Sandalwood Ass. Ltd.01.06.1928175,00190,00
20Lombard Insurance Co. Ltd.24.11.196180,00160,00
21Nikko Securities Co. Ltd. (Nikko Shoken Kabushiki Kaisha)15.07.198150,00unsold
22Nissan Motor Company Ltd. (6 Stücke)200,00200,00
23Noronha & Comp., Ltd.22.07.1940200,00440,00
24Ôsaka Nitrat-Industrie AG (Ôsaka Shôka kôgyô KK)15.06.1919140,00unsold
25Overseas Chinese Daily News, Ltd.100,00unsold
26Semambu Rubber Estates, Ltd.06.10.193280,00unsold
27Tientsin Land Investment Co.31.12.1929200,00unsold
28Advance Building and Loan Association of the City and County of Philadelphia No. 204.02.186690,00120,00
29Aeromarine Klemm Corp.20.05.1929250,00unsold
30Alaska Gold Company04.10.188910,0034,00
31American Atlantic Cable Telegraph Co.01.11.1870350,00350,00
32Atlantic & Danville Railway01.01.1895200,00220,00
33Atlantic & Pacific Railroad15.11.1853400,00unsold
34Atlantic Shore Line Railway24.04.1906120,00unsold
35Audubon Society for the Protection of American Birds13.07.1887100,00unsold
36Augusta Bank01.10.1815180,00180,00
37Baer Family Reunion13.08.191070,00unsold
38Bainbridge, Cuthbert & Columbus Railroad01.07.1871400,00unsold
39Banco de Credito Real do Brazil01.02.188760,0060,00
40Bank of the Valley in Virginia13.12.1849350,00unsold
41Botany Worsted Mills01.06.1899200,00200,00 n
42Brooklyn Steamship & Emigration Co.01.06.1867250,00unsold
43Bulls Head Bank01.02.1875500,00500,00
44Cairo Rail Road Co.20.04.1886250,00270,00
45Callao & Lima & Pacific Coast Railway01.01.185060,00unsold
46Caribbean Sugar Co.02.08.1926150,00150,00
47Centennial International Exhibition (Centennial Board of Finance)27.05.1876500,00650,00
48Chicago and Oak Park Elevated Railroad19.05.1908250,00270,00
49Chicago-Florida Phosphate Co.01.09.1893150,00unsold
50Christmas Wonder Mining Co.09.07.1907200,00unsold
51City Bank27.07.1858100,00100,00
52Coast Company01.02.1895300,00unsold
53Collins Wireless Telephone Co.26.07.1910250,00unsold
54Commercial National Bank of Pennsylvania21.12.1896120,00120,00
55Detroit, Bay City & Alpena Railroad03.06.1887300,00300,00
56Duesenberg Automobile & Motors Co.17.10.1922250,00unsold
57Edison Portland Cement Co.18.05.1903120,00120,00
58Edison Storage Battery Supply Co.21.06.1916800,00unsold
59Electrozone Co.26.08.189580,00unsold
60eMachines, Inc.02.11.200170,00unsold
61Emmensite Explosives, Guns and Ammunition Co.18.04.1890380,00420,00
62Erie & North East Railroad26.07.1859100,00100,00 n
63Farmers Bank of Schuylkill County10.02.1866450,00unsold
64Farmers & Exchange Bank03.09.1859200,00unsold
65Farmers Rail Road01.11.1866100,00110,00
66Fayette & Greene Oil Co.10.08.1865150,00unsold
67First German Target Club08.11.1867350,00unsold
68Florence Railroad & Improvement Co.20.09.1888180,00180,00
69Flushing, North Shore and Central Railroad29.04.1875400,00750,00
70Fredericksburg, Orange & Charlottesville Railroad01.11.1872250,00250,00 n
71Fredericksburg, Orange & Charlottesville Railroad01.11.1872300,00unsold
72Germania Fire Insurance Co.18.03.1863160,00160,00
73Globe National Bank01.05.1865250,00300,00
74Globe Shot Co.17.07.1883100,00unsold
75Gold Hammer Mines and Tunnel Co.10.05.190160,00unsold
76Golden Cycle Mining Co. (4 Stücke)10,0021,00
77Great Cariboo Gold Co.21.04.1906500,00650,00
78Great Lakes Aircraft Corp.31.08.1933200,00unsold
79Great Western Fire and Marine Insurance Co.20.07.1857500,00unsold
80H & C. Garage60,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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