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  Browse catalog
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  Browse catalog XLII

  Browse catalog XLI

  Browse catalog XL

  Browse catalog XXXIX

  Browse catalog XXXVIII

  Browse catalog XXXVII

  Browse catalog XXXVI

  Browse catalog XXXV

  Browse catalog XXXIV

  Browse catalog XXXIII

  Browse catalog XXXII

  Browse catalog XXXI

  Browse catalog XXX

  Browse catalog XXIX

  Browse catalog XXVIII

  Browse catalog XXVII

  Browse catalog XXVI

  Browse catalog XXV

  Browse catalog XXIV

  Browse catalog XXIII

  Browse catalog XXII

  Browse catalog XXI

  Browse catalog XX

  Browse catalog XIX


Overview of conditions of papers and Rarity Index

All lots are ranked by their condition using the following keys:

UNC: Uncirculated (hot off the press, like new)
EF: Extremely fine (very nice condition, slight creases)
VF: Very fine (normal condition with slight traces of circulation, tears and minimal losses at the edge)
F: Fine (stronger traces of use, but collectible)


Descriptions of all foreign stocks and bonds with a starting price of 500 Euros or more will include a Rarity Index (R1 to R12). This index has been prepared by the auction house according to our best knowledge and research.

Thus, over 80% of the stocks and bonds listed in this catalogue include this new index.

Rarity Index (i.e., number of examples known to us):

R 12 = only this single example known
R 11 = only two examples known
R 10 = 3 - 5 examples
R 9 = 6 - 10 examples
R 8 = 11 - 25 examples
R 7 = 26 - 50 examples
R 6 = 51 - 100 examples
R 5 = 101 - 250 examples
R 4 = 251 - 500 examples
R 3 = 501 - 1000 examples
R 2 = 1001 - 5000 examples
R 1 = more than 5001 examples


Bidding increments on Internet-LIVE-Auctions

Bids will be executed in the following increments of:

1 to 99 Euro - 5 Euro
100 to 199 Euro - 10 Euro
200 to 499 Euro - 20 Euro
500 to 999 Euro - 50 Euro
1.000 to 1.999 Euro - 100 Euro
2.000 to 4.999 Euro - 200 Euro
5.000 to 9.999 Euro - 500 Euro
10.000 to 19.999 Euro - 1.000 Euro
20.000 to 49.999 Euro - 2.000 Euro
from 50.000 Euro - 5.000 Euro



Share Spotlight:
Württembergische Bank
Württembergische Bank
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Next auctions:
August, 24 2024:
30th General meeting AG für Historische Wertpapiere
October, 5 2024:
126. Auction Freunde Historischer Wertpapiere
November, 7 2024:
48. Live Auction of Deutsche Wertpapierauktionen GmbH

Latest News:
June, 2 2024:
XLIII. HSK-Auction - results now online!
May, 28 2024:
XLIII. HSK-Auction for stocks and bonds - Only 3 days left for online bidding!
April, 20 2024:
43. HSK-Auction on June 1, 2024 // 1430 lots - starting price near 350,000 Euro // Catalog already online!
June, 5 2023:
XLII. HSK-Auction - results now online!
May, 30 2023:
XLII. HSK-Auction for stocks and bonds - Only 3 days left for online bidding!

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