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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
85Cincinnati, Logansport and Chicago Railway03.12.1853350,00unsold
86Cincinnati, Peru & Chicago Railway01.03.1855200,00200,00
87Cleveland Yacht Club Co.15.08.1918380,00unsold
88Clyde Banking Co.19.05.1888100,00100,00
89Coeur d’Alene Railway & Navigation Co.01.09.1886280,00unsold
90Colorado Consolidated Mining & Tunnel Co.10.08.188175,00unsold
91Colorado Northern Railway09.11.1883700,00unsold
92Colorado, Wyoming & Eastern Railway01.07.1914120,00unsold
93Columbian Coal Co.04.01.1866120,00120,00
94Combination Ocean Steam Ship Co.28.02.1910120,00130,00
95Coney Island & Brooklyn Railroad05.05.1908180,00180,00 n
96Confederate States of America, Cr. 064 (R6) - Ball 85 (R4+)02.09.186210,0022,00
97Connecticut Arms and Manufacturing Co.04.11.1868150,00unsold
98Connecticut Central Railroad19.05.1887650,00750,00
99Consolidated Beneficial and Building Association04.05.1891150,00unsold
100Consolidated Lake Superior Co.24.09.190150,0055,00
101Cripple Creek District Railway15.09.1897400,00400,00
102Cuban Land and Steamship Co.18.11.1901100,00110,00
103D. G. Yuengling jr. Brewing Co.11.11.1887150,00220,00
104Damascus Steel & Iron Co.12.11.1860150,00unsold
105Danville, Olney & Ohio River Railroad22.03.1881180,00180,00
106Delaware & Eastern Railway01.07.1907250,00250,00
107Denver, Lakewood & Golden Railroad01.11.1890200,00unsold
108Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railway14.04.1906800,00unsold
109Denver & Rio Grande Railroad12.08.1919150,00150,00
110Denver, South Park & Pacific Railroad07.05.1889200,00unsold
111Des Moines, Osceola and Southern Railroad09.05.1883250,00unsold
112Detroit & Lima Northern Railway06.05.1907125,00125,00 n
113Deutsche Opernhaus-Gesellschaft20.08.1913120,00220,00
114Dickson Car-Wheel Co.08.08.1901160,00170,00
115Dillsburg & Mechanicsburg Railroad21.12.1883450,00unsold
116Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad03.11.1863150,00150,00
117Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway09.05.1930150,00unsold
118Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway09.05.1930150,00150,00
119Duluth, St. Cloud, Glencoe & Mankato Railway27.10.1905120,00unsold
120East Alabama & Cincinnati Railroad01.07.1870180,00180,00 n
121East Genesee Street & Seward Avenue Railway15.02.1875400,00400,00 n
122East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad20.02.1886360,00380,00
123East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway01.12.1890180,00unsold
124Equitable Safety Insurance Co.12.10.1868180,00200,00
125Eva Milling & Mining Co.10.04.1891100,00unsold
126Exchange Bank03.12.1840300,00320,00
127Fall River Iron Works Co.11.08.1828300,00unsold
128Farmers Loan & Trust Co. of Kansas12.11.1888120,00unsold
129Fernandina & Jacksonville Railroad11.08.1880400,00400,00
130First National Bank of Bellevue19.11.1927100,00130,00
131First National Bank of Helena22.04.1895180,00180,00
132First National Bank of Hempstead22.04.1932125,00150,00
133First National Bank of Portland01.07.1901150,00150,00
134German Bank of Memphis13.01.1886150,00160,00
135Gilpin Tramway Co.12.04.1889200,00220,00
136Glen Carbon Cannel Coal Co.06.10.1865120,00120,00
137Great Cariboo Gold Co.21.04.1906750,00unsold
138Gulf, Florida & Alabama Railway05.11.1915200,00unsold
139Gutheil Park Railway08.01.1900150,00unsold
140Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad13.04.1869380,00380,00
141Harrisburg Railways (4 Stücke)80,00unsold
142Heinrich Chemical Co.13.12.192250,00unsold
143Henderson & Overton Branch Railroad27.09.1880200,00unsold
144Holman Locomotive Speeding Truck Co.25.04.189660,0060,00
145Hopkinton Railroad01.07.1872750,00unsold
146Hornespeed Propelling Company10.06.1918450,00unsold
147Hutchinson & Southern Railroad25.05.1897150,00unsold
148Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co.12.07.1909120,00unsold
149Indianapolis & Louisville Traction Railway18.02.1909100,00130,00
150International Railways of Central America01.05.1912150,00160,00
151Interstate Railways24.03.1924120,00unsold
152Johnson Beasley Coal Co.17.07.1883120,00130,00
153Joliet & Chicago Railroad01.07.1857150,00unsold
154Junction Railroad29.07.1884160,00160,00
155Kansas City, Mexico & Orient Railway01.02.1901200,00220,00
156Kansas City, St. Louis & Chicago Railroad15.03.1878100,00unsold
157Kansas & Nebraska Railway22.11.1876200,00200,00
158Kinniconick & Freestone Railroad20.05.1892125,00140,00
159Lackawanna & Pittsburgh Railroad22.10.1883800,00unsold
160Lake Ontario, Auburn & New-York Railroad14.05.1856160,00unsold
161Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway02.09.1869300,00300,00
162Lake Street Elevated Railroad31.08.1895500,00unsold
163Lamoille Valley, Montpelier & St. Johnsbury & Essex County Rail Road Companies of Vermont01.05.1871800,00unsold
164Le Mont Gas Coal Co.18.06.1866120,00120,00
165Ledger Gold and Silver Mining Co.31.03.188280,00unsold
166Liberty & Vienna Railroad10.11.1870280,00unsold
167Little Rock & Fort Smith Railway01.01.1875500,00unsold
168London, South Park & Leadville Railroad01.03.1883300,00300,00
All prices are in Euro

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