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HSK Auction catalog XXXIV  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
66Henderson & Nashville Rail Road01.03.1854400,00440,00
67Holmes Electric Protective Co.23.12.1887650,00650,00
68Houston & Great Northern Railroad15.02.1872100,00100,00
69Howard Bank05.06.1863400,00420,00
70Hutchings Manufacturing Co.15.01.1923100,00122,00
71Interstate Auto & Supply Company05.01.191480,00unsold
72Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad19.12.191380,0080,00
73Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Halifax River Railway + Jacksonville, St. Augustine & Indian River Railway01.11.1892950,00unsold
74Kensington National Bank14.02.1873150,00unsold
75Le Nouveau Monde - Cie. en Commandite for Working Gold Mines in California01.01.185160,00unsold
76Liberty Auto Company15.03.192780,0080,00 v
77Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.10.1910200,00220,00
78Manchester Iron & Steel Company19.01.1880125,00unsold
79Manufacturers & Traders Bank17.12.1900250,00unsold
80Marine National Bank of the City of New York04.01.1869250,00250,00
81Matson Navigation Company30.09.1901300,00330,00
82Mechanics & Farmers Bank14.12.1848200,00240,00
83Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad01.03.1860100,00unsold
84Mercantile Co-operative Bank of New York01.07.1897180,00180,00
85Merchants Union Express Co.15.11.186710,0042,00
86Mergenthaler Linotype Co.04.02.189660,0066,00
87Metropolitan National Bank of New York27.01.1877200,00220,00
88Mexican Cotton Estates of Tlahualilo, Ltd.16.12.1903100,00unsold
89Miami Extension Canal Stock16.06.1845125,00unsold
90Mobile & Ohio Rail Road02.02.1855200,00unsold
91Monterey and Fresco Railroad01.07.1893350,00470,00
92Montgomery, Tuscaloosa and Memphis Railway09.07.1889250,00280,00
93Mount Carbon Coal & Iron Co.25.04.1853150,00160,00
94Mutual Bank22.09.1871200,00240,00
95National Bank of Albany, N.Y.07.07.1860250,00310,00
96New England Steamship Co.01.01.1912120,00unsold
97New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga Railroad20.02.1871400,00440,00
98New York & Boston Railroad01.11.1869280,00320,00
99New York Cable Railway15.08.188480,0080,00
100New York Dock Company01.08.1901100,00unsold
101North American Land Company (OU Robert Morris)16.03.1795350,00unsold
102North River Bank in the City of New York29.09.1890250,00280,00
103Nuevos Mataderos Publicos de la Capital21.03.1889140,00unsold
104Ocean Floating Safe Co.30.05.1917500,00unsold
105Ontario Bank19.07.1856160,00unsold
106Owensboro and Nashville Railway31.05.1921120,00130,00
107Painesville and Hudson Railroad02.06.1856275,00275,00 n
108Pan Am Corporation09.05.199780,00unsold
109Pan-American Theatrical Co.07.06.1915150,00150,00 n
110Payne’s Safety First Gate Co.28.09.1921200,00unsold
111Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts29.05.193380,0080,00
112People‘s College01.01.1853120,00unsold
113Peoria & Oquawka Railroad16.01.1855350,00480,00
114Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road16.03.1795500,00550,00
115Philadelphia Bourse01.03.189230,0042,00
116Philadelphia Bourse18.05.189630,00unsold
117Philadelphia Electric Power Co. + National Power & Light Co. (7x ABNC-Specimen)10,0046,00
118Philadelphia Zoological Society26.03.1888500,00500,00 n
119Philadelphian and Sunbury Railroad09.06.1856350,00unsold
120Pine Plains Bank12.07.1856125,00unsold
121Pittsburgh Speedway Association10.11.19161.000,001.000,00
122Playboy Enterprises, Inc.22.10.1975100,00100,00
123Pneumatic Gun-Carriage and Power Co.27.10.1897120,00150,00
124Prescott & Arizona Central Railway21.11.1885350,00380,00
125Producers & Manufacturers Bank of Titusville20.04.1875250,00320,00
126Quanah, Acme and Pacific Railway01.10.1909200,00unsold
127Rensselaer & Saratoga Rail Road01.07.1862100,00unsold
128República de Cuba01.12.1872220,00220,00
129Richmond & York River Rail Road01.01.1857300,00unsold
130Rickenbacker Motor Co.02.03.1926150,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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