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HSK Auction catalog XXXIV  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
131Ridgefield & New York Rail Road13.03.1871150,00unsold
132Rock Island & Peoria Railway17.11.188570,00unsold
133Sackets Harbor & Ellisburgh Railroad01.05.1854100,00unsold
134Saratoga & Schenectady Railroad10.06.1839250,00unsold
135Savannah & Charleston Rail Road01.07.1869220,00unsold
136Savannah & Charleston Rail Road01.04.1871150,00unsold
137Schuylkill Bank06.07.1839250,00unsold
138Schuylkill & Juniata Railroad12.12.190075,0085,00
139Seattle, Port Angeles & Lake Crescent Railway30.10.1913350,00390,00
140South Carolina Railway01.11.188180,00unsold
141Southern Pacific Railroad Co. (State of Texas)24.05.1869300,00300,00
142Southwestern National Bank06.10.1886120,00120,00
143Spring Tire Company27.11.1912200,00unsold
144St. John’s Railway02.03.1896950,00unsold
145St. Joseph and Denver City Rail Road14.05.1870100,00unsold
146State of Bahia 5 % Funding Loan of 192801.05.1928400,00400,00
147State of Mississippi01.01.1912100,00unsold
148Sterling School Furniture Co.12.08.1874350,00350,00 n
149Stissing National Bank of Pine Plains01.04.189680,00unsold
150Stroudsburg Bank24.09.1868100,00unsold
151Swatara Railroad Co.20.10.18421.000,001.400,00
152Thacher Car and Construction Co.21.07.1893350,00390,00
153Tobacco Manufacturers' Association25.05.1871450,00450,00
154Triumph Patent Safety Powder Co. of Baltimore City04.02.1876300,00300,00
155Tyrone & Clearfield Railway18.05.1896125,00unsold
156Ulster County Bank10.10.1831100,00100,00 n
157Union Pacific Railway1.500,00unsold
158Union Pacific Railroad150,00unsold
159Union Pacific Railroad150,00unsold
160Union Railroad Safety Gate Co.250,00270,00
161Union Village & Johnsonville Railroad01.09.1869100,00100,00
162United Lines Telegraph Co. of New York01.09.1885350,00unsold
163Universal Tobacco Co.17.05.1902300,00320,00
164University of Illinois22.03.1900100,00unsold
165Walker Fire Ladder & Truck Co.01.04.1885300,00unsold
166Wallkill Valley Railway01.10.1870500,00unsold
167Western Maryland Railroad21.08.1868150,00unsold
168White and Black River Valley Railway13.06.1900150,00unsold
169Williamsport and Elmira Railroad01.01.1853150,00unsold
170Winchester & Potomac Railroad07.01.1871120,00unsold
171Yellowstone National Park Transportation Co.01.01.1898200,00unsold
172Yellowstone Park Association12.08.1885480,00unsold
173A.S. Latvijas Centralais seklu Eksports01.01.193880,00160,00
174Bank of Caucasus01.01.1916100,00unsold
175Banque de Commerce et d’Industrie de Latvia01.06.192175,00110,00
176Charkower Handelsbank01.01.1872500,00unsold
177City of Wilno (Vilna)01.12.1931400,00unsold
178Erste Rigaer Gesellschaft Gegenseitigen Credits31.12.1924100,00160,00
179Erste russische Versicherungs-Gesellschaft01.05.1909100,00100,00
180Estnischer Bodenkreditverein (Eesti Maakrediitselts)01.01.193560,0060,00
181Feuerversicherungs-Gesellschaft "Salamander”01.01.1910125,00125,00
182Gesellschaft für russische Rückversicherung01.01.18951.500,00unsold
183Kaiserreich Russland (OU Nathan Rothschild)01.03.1822100,00100,00
184Kaiserreich Russland (OU Nathan Rothschild)01.03.1822100,00100,00 n
185Land Bank of Estonia (Eesti Maapank)01.01.192760,00unsold
187S.A. de la Mer Noire-Bibi-Eibat pour l’Exploitation du Naphte01.01.19111.000,00unsold
188Sibirische Handels-Bank01.01.1905200,00200,00
189Stadt Minsk01.01.18991.400,00unsold
190Stadt Minsk01.01.18991.600,00unsold
191Thee-Handelsgesellschaft W. Wyssotsky und Co. in Moskau01.01.1910750,00unsold
192Tirdzniecibas un Rupniecibas A.S. BEKONA EKSPORTS01.01.193875,00160,00
193Transnationale Erdölgesellschaft “Hermes-Union” AG29.01.199440,0040,00
194UdSSR staatliche innere Gewinnanleihe des Dritten Fünfjahreplanes01.01.193980,0080,00
195A/S Dampskibsselskabet “Heimdal”01.10.195760,0060,00
All prices are in Euro

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