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HSK Auction catalog XLI  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
121Memphis, El Paso & Pacific Railroad23.12.1868280,00unsold
122Merchants Transportation Co.22.02.1859180,00unsold
123Merritt and Chapman Derrick and Wrecking Co.150,00160,00
124Mexican Central Airways, Inc.19.11.1930350,00unsold
125Michigan Air Line Railroad28.11.186975,0077,00
126Middletown & Elizabethtown Street Railway15.05.191180,0080,00
127Minehill & Schuylkill Haven Railroad02.11.1871160,00unsold
128Miners and Merchants Bank16.11.1929100,00unsold
129Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad05.02.1912280,00280,00
130Minnesota & Northwestern Rail Road01.07.1870750,00950,00
131Mississippi Valley Railroad17.04.1895600,00unsold
132Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway01.06.1890160,00160,00
133Mobile & Montgomery Railroad01.09.1871240,00unsold
134Montgomery & West Point Railroad14.04.1863180,00unsold
135Morristown & Cumberland Gap Railroad31.05.1893400,00unsold
136Musquito Cove Steam Boat Wharf Co.04.03.1829300,00300,00
137National Railroad Co. of Mexico15.03.1902100,00unsold
138New Orleans Great Northern Railroad01.11.191350,0055,00
139New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga Railroad01.07.1870150,00150,00
140New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad01.02.1872150,00unsold
141New York & Atlantic Railroad12.04.1881850,00unsold
142New York & Boston Railroad16.12.186480,0080,00
143New York & Havre Steam Ship Co.13.11.1867280,00unsold
144New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad24.12.1903750,00unsold
145New York, Rutland & Montreal Railway01.01.188480,0085,00
146New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railway01.02.1884400,00unsold
147Nicaragua Company12.07.1895150,00150,00
148Nicaragua Company16.07.1895200,00240,00
149Norfolk & Petersburg Railroad01.07.1857120,00130,00
150Norfolk State Bank19.04.1893250,00250,00
151North & West Branch Railway07.03.1882140,00unsold
152North Western Railroad17.11.1856600,00unsold
153Northern Liberties Railroad01.05.1851100,00100,00
154Northern Oyster Co.02.05.191180,0080,00
155Northern Pacific Railroad (OU Jay Cooke)01.07.18708.500,00unsold
156Ocean City Railroad09.06.1896100,00unsold
157Ocean Floating Safe Co.30.05.1917280,00280,00
158Ohio & Mississippi Railroad (Eastern Division)01.03.1856300,00unsold
159Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad25.07.185550,0060,00
160Old Colony Railroad02.12.1895100,00unsold
161Old Colony Steamboat Co.17.10.189080,00unsold
162Organic Oil Co.09.03.1865100,00unsold
163Pacific Express Co.03.08.1894300,00unsold
164Pacific Land Co.25.05.1863240,00unsold
165Pacific Railway Co. in Kansas04.04.1887600,00unsold
166Pennsylvania Railroad21.05.189880,0080,00
167Peoples Bank of Philadelphia24.06.1870120,00120,00
168Perry Oil Co.02.06.186480,0080,00
169Philadelphia & Atlantic City Railway17.04.1878500,00550,00
170Philadelphia, Germantown & Norristown Railroad10.12.1850160,00unsold
171Philadelphia Loan Company12.06.1838400,00500,00
172Philadelphia & Reading Railroad03.01.1888400,00400,00
173Philippine Railway Co. (2 Stücke)80,00unsold
174Phoenix Savings Bank & Trust Co.08.01.192960,0060,00
175Playboy Enterprises, Inc.22.10.197580,0080,00
176Polk County Copper Co.15.05.1860100,00100,00
177Port Reading Railroad22.06.1915100,00100,00
178Portland & Willamette Valley Railway28.05.1887900,00unsold
179Prescott & Arizona Central Railway29.08.1892800,00unsold
180Pueblo & Arkansas Valley Railroad01.11.1875150,00150,00
All prices are in Euro

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