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HSK Auction catalog XXXVI  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
66Cuba North and South Railroad26.01.1920200,00360,00
67Cuba Railroad01.07.1910150,00unsold
68Darlington Golf & Country Club15.11.192430,00unsold
69Death Valley-Arcalvada Consolidated Mines Co.19.11.190780,0080,00
70Denver, Texas & Fort Worth Railroad31.12.1888150,00unsold
71Eastern Canada Fisheries Ltd.08.07.1918100,00130,00
72Ferrocarril Mineral de Pasco01.12.1870200,00unsold
73Georgetown Railroad01.07.1878100,00100,00
74Giant Powder Co.29.12.1919250,00unsold
75Gotebo & Southwestern Railway01.06.1909180,00unsold
76Green Cove Springs & Melrose Railroad01.07.1882500,00650,00
77Hancock & Pennsylvania RR13.04.1889150,00150,00 n
78Hilton Hotels Corp.18.01.200075,0075,00
79Hudson River Railroad200,00220,00
80Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Railroad & Coal Co.13.04.1862500,00unsold
81Independent Fish Co.11.02.191750,0055,00
82Iowa Telephone Co.24.07.1899100,00100,00
83Iron Mountain Railroad29.05.191575,0075,00
84Jackson Valley Telephone Co.07.01.190760,00unsold
85Joliet & Chicago Railroad09.03.194880,00unsold
86Kansas City & Northern Connecting Railroad11.12.1897200,00unsold
87Kaufvertrag und Eigentumsurkunde über einen “ungezähmten” Neger der Marquise Torreblanca04.07.1802250,00250,00 n
88Kentucky Central Railroad01.07.1881140,00140,00
89La Banque des États-Unis01.07.1859100,00110,00
90Li‘l Darlin‘s of the West Bordellos, Inc.01.01.198840,0040,00
91Loge “Fraternidad Chalaca”28.09.1864150,00150,00
92Louisiana & Missouri River Railroad09.05.187880,00unsold
93Memphis & Charleston Railroad20.08.1877500,00unsold
94Mexico - Konvolut (54 Stücke)500,00550,00
95Michigan Central Railroad (OU Cornelius Vanderbilt II)01.03.1881160,00unsold
96Missouri Pacific Railway08.04.1915200,00unsold
97Nebraska Telephone Co.19.10.1887100,00unsold
98New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga Railroad08.03.1869300,00380,00
99New York and Long Island Oyster Co.01.01.1890180,00unsold
100New York, Boston & Montreal Railway01.02.1873250,00360,00
101New York Central Sleeping Car Co.05.01.1882200,00200,00
102New York & Harlem Railroad04.12.1900200,00unsold
103New York & Oswego Midland Railroad01.07.1870150,00unsold
104New York, Providence & Boston Railroad05.04.185610,0044,00
105Newport News & Old Point Railway and Electric Co.01.08.1887125,00135,00
106Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.21.07.192890,00unsold
107Oregon & Transcontinental Co.24.04.1888150,00unsold
108Petersburg Railroad22.07.1872500,00600,00
109Petersen's American Aerial Navigation Co.02.01.18832.000,002.400,00
110Philadelphia, Germantown & Norristown Railroad31.10.1834800,00800,00 n
111Piedmont & Mountain View Railway10.05.1895150,00180,00
112Pittsburgh & Allegheny Valley Traction04.10.191010,0029,00
113Pittsburgh, Titusville & Buffalo Railway01.02.1876300,00360,00
114Plymouth National Bank14.01.1878280,00unsold
115Prefeitura do Districto Federal Emprestimo de 190401.01.1904800,00unsold
116President, Managers & Company of Rancocus Toll-Bridge18.02.1793850,00unsold
117Prospect Park & South Brooklyn Railroad24.05.1889280,00460,00
118Pullman's Palace Car Co.26.06.1871120,00unsold
119Punta Alegre Sugar Co.01.07.1922140,00140,00
120Punta Alegre Sugar Co.19.01.193180,00unsold
121Quaker City Insurance Co.28.05.1857750,00unsold
122Republic of Peru25.05.192175,00unsold
123Republica de Guatemala Ferro-Carril al Norte01.07.1893150,00unsold
124Republica del Peru (2 Stücke)100,00unsold
125Republica Mexicana - Tesoreria General27.11.1843500,004.400,00
126Rock Island, Stuttgart and Southern Railway01.12.1913100,00105,00
127Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co.21.05.1898120,00unsold
128S.A. de Agricultura y Ganaderia "El Sosneado"24.07.191175,00unsold
129Salt Lake & Ogden Railway05.06.1907120,00unsold
130San Juan Pacific Railway01.01.190860,0060,00
All prices are in Euro

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