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HSK Auction catalog XLIII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
85Farmingdale & Squan Village Rail Road08.03.187560,0085,00
86Ferro Monte Railroad16.02.1894100,00100,00
87Florida Fruit Exchange01.12.1887400,00unsold
88Florida Midland Railway24.11.18841.000,00unsold
89Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad27.01.191380,00unsold
90Foreign Company17.07.1902100,00unsold
91Fort Wayne, Jackson & Saginaw Railroad26.09.1870100,00100,00
92Franklin and Megantic Railway07.10.1904120,00120,00
93Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for Promotion of the Mechanic Arts11.11.191475,00unsold
94Gagnier-Griffin Suspended Railway Bridge24.05.1894180,00unsold
95Galveston Bay & Texas Land Co.16.10.1830300,00340,00
96Galveston, La Porte & Houston Railway01.04.1895120,00120,00
97Georgia & Florida Railway19.05.191980,00unsold
98Germania Petroleum Co.28.11.186580,0080,00
99Gettysburg & Harrisburg Railway30.07.189160,00unsold
100Giant Powder Co.29.12.1919120,00120,00 n
101Gold Mining Co. of Colorado06.09.1864260,00unsold
102Golden Conqueror Mines Inc.28.01.193650,0050,00
103Grand Junction Railroad & Depot Co.28.07.18511.000,001.000,00
104Great European American Emigration Land Co.24.10.1868240,00unsold
105Gulf & Ship Island Railroad21.05.1905100,00unsold
106Harlem Associated Heirs Title Company14.08.1895260,00380,00
107Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy & Lancaster Railroad06.07.1857130,00140,00
108Hawaiian Telegraph Co.06.11.1878180,00unsold
109Hibernia Consolidated Mining Co.21.05.1881180,00unsold
110Housatonic Railroad06.02.1888280,00unsold
111Hudson River Bridge Company at Albany21.09.1868100,00150,00
112Illinois Central Railroad21.09.1865300,00unsold
113Illinois Central Railroad02.06.1873280,00unsold
114Indiana & Illinois Central Railway01.02.1854750,00unsold
115Inter-State Car Trust Equipment Co. (3 Stücke)200,00unsold
116International Gordon Bennett Race01.01.1912150,00150,00
117International Railways of Central America (3 Stücke)100,00unsold
118Ironton Railroad02.01.1865120,00120,00
119Juniper Gold Mining Co.01.10.1883140,00unsold
120Kansas City & Northern Connecting Railroad01.01.189780,00unsold
121Kansas City & Northern Connecting Railroad11.12.1897180,00unsold
122Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad08.06.1925120,00130,00
123Kingfield and Dead River Railway06.10.1904150,00unsold
124Klondike, Yukon and Copper River Co.19.03.1898280,00unsold
125Lake Erie, Franklin & Clarion Railroad06.03.1916120,00unsold
126Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway02.09.1869150,00150,00
127Leadville & Gunnison Gold & Silver Mining29.04.1882120,00unsold
128Lebanon Springs Railroad10.02.186880,0080,00
129Little Rock & Memphis Railroad05.01.188960,0065,00
130Long Island National Bank of New York19.06.1926100,00unsold
131Los Angeles, Pasadena & Glendale Railway10.10.1889180,00unsold
132Louisiana Tehuantepec Company01.08.1858300,00unsold
133Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.10.1910100,00100,00
134Madison, Illinois & St. Louis Railway19.03.1909150,00unsold
135Marine Airport Corp.28.02.1941200,00unsold
136Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon Railroad27.09.1886750,00unsold
137Martin’s Creek Railway17.03.1893280,00unsold
138Mason City & Fort Dodge Railroad12.03.1902500,00unsold
139Merchants Steamship Co.20.06.1866150,00150,00
140Mexican International Railroad06.08.1897160,00unsold
141Michigan Central Railroad (OU Cornelius Vanderbilt II)01.03.188180,0080,00
142Milwaukee & Minnesota Railroad27.12.1862500,00unsold
143Milwaukee & Minnesota Railroad25.05.1867400,00unsold
144Mississippi Central Railroad13.06.1854180,00220,00
145Mississippi Valley Co.13.06.187980,0080,00 n
146Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway (OU John D. Rockefeller)01.07.1891480,00unsold
147Missouri River Railway01.06.1909120,00unsold
148Mobile & Birmingham Railway01.02.1887400,00unsold
149Morganfield and Atlanta Railroad08.05.190760,0080,00
150Morganfield and Atlanta Railroad09.03.192860,00unsold
151Morganfield and Atlanta Railroad28.02.193560,00unsold
152Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods Railway10.04.1922180,00180,00 n
153Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916150,00unsold
154National Bank of Kansas City06.11.1891240,00unsold
155National Boat and Engine Co.01.12.1910150,00unsold
156National Docks Railway02.04.1904100,00100,00
157New Castle & Franklin Railroad30.06.1873150,00unsold
158New Gomez Mena Sugar Company120,00unsold
159New Jersey Junction Railroad (OU John Pierpont Morgan)30.06.1886120,00unsold
160New Jersey & New York Railroad27.11.1885100,00100,00
161New Mexico Mining Co.09.09.185750,0051,00
162New Orleans Board of Trade Ltd.17.11.1903180,00180,00 n
163New York Auto-Telegraph Co.08.12.1885100,00110,00
164New York Central & Hudson River Railroad15.07.190380,0080,00
165New York & Harlem Railroad (OU C. Vanderbilt)27.06.1865140,00160,00
166New York & Harlem Railroad (OU W.K. Vanderbilt)04.12.1900100,00110,00
167New York & Ohio Railway01.04.1890180,00180,00
168New York & Oswego Midland Railroad17.12.1869380,00400,00
All prices are in Euro

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