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HSK Auction catalog XXIII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
81Illinois Central Railroad01.04.1851120,00120,00
82Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad15.09.190575,00unsold
83Industria Automotriz Santa Fe S.A. Fabrica Argentina de Vehiculos DKW Auto Union30.05.196050,0065,00
84International Railroad Co. of Texas01.08.1872275,00unsold
85Iron Steamboat Co. of New Jersey09.02.1911180,00unsold
86Kansas City Railways01.07.191565,00unsold
87Kensington & Tacony Railroad01.06.189390,0095,00
88Little Miami Railroad13.08.185945,00unsold
89Logansport, Peoria & Burlington Railway14.11.1854375,00375,00
90Louisville Railway05.10.189285,00unsold
91Maryland Central Railroad18.02.1885500,00600,00
92Maryland Central Railway15.05.1889250,00unsold
93Maryland Steamboat Co.12.12.1879180,00unsold
94Memphis & Little Rock Railway03.12.1873250,00unsold
95Middle States Oil Corp.01.01.192030,0031,00
96Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City Railroad03.01.1903100,00140,00
97Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City Railroad10.07.1903100,00unsold
98Mobile & Ohio Car Trust01.09.1886100,00unsold
99Monongahela & Washington Railroad05.01.190080,0080,00
100Monroe Railroad01.10.1904120,00unsold
101Moulton Mining Co.26.06.188435,0044,00
102Mound City Railway05.06.1885175,00unsold
103Municipal Ice Manufacturing Co.30.01.189265,00unsold
104National Consolidated Oil Co.02.04.190280,00unsold
105National Pisco to Yca Railway01.05.186945,00unsold
106National Pisco to Yca Railway01.05.186975,0075,00
107New Castle & Rushville Rail Road01.11.1881125,00unsold
108New Haven & Rowenna Railroad31.12.1903100,00unsold
109New York and New Jersey Ferry Co.18.03.1896100,00100,00 n
110New York & Boston Railroad30.12.1862150,00150,00
111New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk Railroad28.03.1952300,00340,00
112New York & Putnam Railroad15.01.189450,00unsold
113Newark Ohio Water Works Co.01.09.188560,00unsold
114North Carolina Midland Railroad31.10.189760,0060,00 v
115Northern Liberties Railroad01.05.185110,0048,00
116Northern Light, Power & Coal Co.06.10.1909125,00unsold
117Northern Light, Power & Coal Co.06.10.1909100,00120,00
118Northern Light, Power & Coal Co.06.10.190980,00unsold
119Old Colony Railroad18.12.189075,00unsold
120Omaha Bridge & Terminal Railway05.04.1893250,00250,00
121Palace Marine Berth Co.03.11.1885250,00unsold
122Pauper's Dream Mining Co.30.05.190730,00unsold
123Peabody Fire Insurance Co.17.10.1890150,00unsold
124Philadelphia & Baltimore Central Railroad04.01.1882180,00180,00
125Pittsburgh, Wheeling & Kentucky Railroad01.02.190780,0080,00 n
126Playboy Enterprises, Inc.22.10.1975160,00unsold
127Poughkeepsie, Hartford & Boston Railroad01.09.1875125,00135,00
128Raleigh & Charleston Railroad01.02.1906150,00160,00
129Republic of El Salvador01.07.1923200,00unsold
130Rio Grande Southern Railroad01.07.1890450,00unsold
131Rock Island & Peoria Railway27.12.1877180,00180,00
132Rockford, Rock Island & St. Louis Railroad15.06.1868120,00unsold
133Saint Paul Eastern Grand Trunk Railway14.06.1892200,00unsold
134San Antonio Land and Irrigation Co.01.05.191135,00unsold
135San Francisco & San Joaquin Valley Railway13.05.1895175,00unsold
136San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Railways20.05.191290,0090,00
137San Juan Pacific Railway01.01.1908120,00130,00
138San Juan Pacific Railway01.01.1908150,00150,00
139Santa Fe, Raton & Des Moines Railroad01.03.1906175,00unsold
140Schleswig Telephone Co.22.11.1952120,00unsold
141Scioto & Hocking Valley Rail Road01.05.1856175,00unsold
142Sioux City & Western Railway31.10.190775,00110,00
143Smyrna & Delaware Bay Railroad13.06.1900200,00unsold
144Sociedad Argentina del Nafterol S.A.17.01.192250,00unsold
145Southern Colorado Power & Railway15.08.1908100,00unsold
146Southern Railway (Mobile & Ohio Stock Trust Certificate)11.03.193865,00unsold
147State of Louisiana01.07.1866100,00160,00
148State of New York, World War Bonus Bond16.10.192435,00unsold
149State of South Carolina, Cr. 69A (R6)01.01.186990,0099,00
151Tennessee & Carolina Southern Railway11.11.1915200,00unsold
152Toledo, Canada Southern & Detroit Railway26.01.187390,0090,00
153Toledo, Logansport & Burlington Railroad02.09.1866125,00unsold
154Towson & Cockeysville Electric Railway13.02.1922120,00120,00 v
155“Transradio Internacional” Cia. Argentina de Telecommunicaciones S.A.30.10.195940,00unsold
156“Transradio Internacional” Cia. Argentina de Telecommunicaciones S.A.31.10.196130,00unsold
157Tuckerton Railroad01.04.1871180,00180,00
158United Petroleum Farms Association21.11.1874240,00unsold
159United States Sugar & Land Co.04.10.190660,0065,00
160USA - 68 Stücke im Luxus-Album100,00290,00
All prices are in Euro

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