| HSK Auction catalog XLII |
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Lot | Description | Date | Starting price | Sold | 66 | Cosmopolitan Bank and Trust Co. | 14.11.1923 | 80,00 | unsold | 67 | Cowlitz, Chehalis & Cascade Railway | 31.07.1934 | 200,00 | 220,00 | 68 | Cripple Creek Central Railway | 30.10.1931 | 100,00 | unsold | 69 | Cripple Creek State Bank | 10.07.1913 | 120,00 | 300,00 | 70 | Cuban-American Sugar Co. | 01.01.1907 | 130,00 | unsold | 71 | Denver, Northwestern & Pacific Railway | 14.04.1906 | 500,00 | unsold | 72 | Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Railroad | 19.09.1870 | 500,00 | 850,00 | 73 | Doctor Gold Mining and Milling Co. | 20.06.1896 | 60,00 | 60,00 | 74 | Doylestown National Bank | 01.11.1926 | 80,00 | unsold | 75 | E. Remington & Sons (OU Remington) | 01.11.1882 | 1.200,00 | 1.400,00 | 76 | East Rutherford Savings Loan and Building Association | 14.06.1895 | 80,00 | 100,00 | 77 | East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad | 17.06.1882 | 120,00 | 120,00 | 78 | Edison Portland Cement Co. (OU Thomas A. Edison) | 30.06.1899 | 1.000,00 | 1.800,00 | 79 | Edison Storage Battery Co. (OU Thomas A. Edison) | 20.02.1908 | 600,00 | unsold | 80 | Emmittsburg Railroad | 01.09.1886 | 100,00 | unsold | 81 | Farmers Trust and Savings Bank | 20.02.1922 | 80,00 | 95,00 | 82 | Fernandina & Jacksonville Railroad | 11.08.1880 | 300,00 | 300,00 n | 83 | First American Bank and Trust Co. | 05.03.1928 | 80,00 | unsold | 84 | First National Bank and Trust Co. of Fleetwood | 20.03.1930 | 100,00 | 120,00 | 85 | First National Bank of Burlington | 08.08.1870 | 150,00 | 150,00 | 86 | First National Bank of Delhi (Port Jervis), N.Y. | 12.06.1883 | 150,00 | 150,00 | 87 | First National Bank of Lima | 31.12.1897 | 140,00 | 140,00 | 88 | First National Bank of Pomona | 13.05.1892 | 100,00 | 220,00 | 89 | First State Bank | 02.05.1913 | 100,00 | unsold | 90 | Foreman-State National Bank | 21.12.1929 | 80,00 | 85,00 | 91 | Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad | 10.08.1853 | 100,00 | unsold | 92 | Francisco Sugar Co. | 15.05.1922 | 150,00 | 150,00 | 93 | Fredericksburg, Orange & Charlottesville Railroad | 01.11.1872 | 200,00 | unsold | 94 | G.V.B. Mining Co. | 27.05.1891 | 100,00 | unsold | 95 | Gauley & Meadow River Railroad | 30.03.1917 | 80,00 | 90,00 | 96 | Gearless Motor Corporation | 14.02.1921 | 180,00 | unsold | 97 | Georgia-Alabama Investment and Development Co. | 20.03.1891 | 90,00 | unsold | 98 | Germania Fire Insurance Co. | 18.03.1863 | 150,00 | unsold | 99 | Glen Jean, Lower Loup and Deep Water Railroad | | 150,00 | unsold | 100 | Gold Crater Mining Co. | 20.04.1896 | 480,00 | unsold | 101 | Government Standard Powders Co. | 29.04.1913 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 102 | Grand Junction Railroad & Depot Co. | 01.03.1852 | 130,00 | unsold | 103 | Hartford City Coal & Salt Co. | 14.09.1874 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 104 | Hartford & Providence Railroad | 13.06.1849 | 200,00 | unsold | 105 | Havana Railroads Co. | 31.12.1859 | 600,00 | unsold | 106 | Huntingdon & Broad Top Mountain Railroad & Coal Co. | 13.04.1862 | 440,00 | unsold | 107 | Indiana Beta Chapter House Ass. | 24.06.1907 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 108 | Indiana & Lake Michigan Railway | 10.10.1888 | 150,00 | unsold | 109 | Indianapolis Canoe Club | 19.10.1906 | 150,00 | unsold | 110 | Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad | 26.09.1882 | 180,00 | 180,00 | 111 | Iron Steamboat Co. of New Jersey | 20.11.1902 | 90,00 | 90,00 | 112 | Irving Bank-Columbia Trust Co. (3 Stücke) | 12.03.1923 | 1.000,00 | unsold | 113 | Jefferson Mining Co. | 23.09.1897 | 200,00 | unsold | 114 | Jenkintown Bank and Trust Company | 09.05.1929 | 80,00 | unsold | 115 | Kansas City Viaduct & Terminal Railway | 23.08.1907 | 120,00 | 120,00 | 116 | Lake Erie & Eastern Railroad | 28.03.1904 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 117 | Lansdowne Bank and Trust Company | 06.03.1929 | 80,00 | unsold | 118 | Latin-American Trading Co. | 02.07.1929 | 70,00 | unsold | 119 | Long Island Live Stock Fair Association | 11.01.1890 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 120 | Lowry Banking Co. | 24.03.1894 | 120,00 | unsold | 121 | Luna Park Co. | 20.12.1905 | 150,00 | 220,00 | 122 | Manhattan Shipping Company Ltd. | 26.12.1882 | 100,00 | unsold | 123 | Manheim, (Petersburg) & Lancaster Turnpike or (Plank Road) Co. | 29.12.1879 | 100,00 | unsold | 124 | Mardis Silver Co. | 05.11.1877 | 100,00 | unsold | 125 | Martin Johnson African Expedition Corp. | 09.04.1924 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 126 | Memphis & Little Rock Railway (OU J.H. Wade) | 03.12.1873 | 130,00 | unsold | 127 | Milledgeville and Asylum Dummy Railroad | 01.01.1889 | 200,00 | 200,00 | 128 | Milwaukee & Minnesota Railroad | 25.05.1867 | 300,00 | unsold | 129 | Mississippi Central Railroad | 13.06.1854 | 200,00 | 200,00 | 130 | Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway (OU John D. Rockefeller) | 01.07.1891 | 600,00 | unsold |
| All prices are in Euro
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