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HSK Auction catalog XLII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
196Thomas A. Edison Incorp. (2 x OU Thomas A. Edison)04.02.1924600,00850,00
197Thomas A. Edison Incorp. (OU Thomas A. Edison + Charles Edison)09.07.1925600,00700,00
198Tioga Navigation Co.19.05.1841300,00unsold
199Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad02.12.188080,0080,00
200Trump Taj Mahal Funding Inc.01.02.199060,00unsold
201Union Pacific Railroad01.07.1897150,00180,00
202United States Mail Steamship Co.18.02.1884200,00220,00
203United States Whaling Co.15.04.1912240,00320,00
204Vicksburg & Meridian Railroad01.06.1881120,00unsold
205Vicksburg & Meridian Railroad23.12.1885150,00150,00
206Virginia & Truckee Railroad21.06.18691.000,001.000,00
207Wampum & State Line Railway14.01.1886100,00unsold
208Ware National Bank17.01.1896400,00400,00
209Warrensburg & Marshall Railroad24.02.1873500,00unsold
210Wayne Title and Trust Co.15.03.1892150,00unsold
211Welsh Patagonian Gold Fields Syndicate Ltd.07.02.1893100,00unsold
212Western North Carolina Railroad22.02.1859500,00unsold
213Western Pacific Railway20.08.1910200,00unsold
214Westport Sanitarium Co.01.01.1890150,00150,00
215Whitehall and Plattsburg Railroad - Manhattan Company - Town of Moriah01.05.1868200,00unsold
216Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad14.07.18681.000,00unsold
217Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad03.04.1871360,00unsold
218Winnebago City Mill Co.20.06.1872100,00unsold
219Winona & Southwestern Railway28.01.1891120,00unsold
220Wrigley Tooth Paste Co., Ltd.30.11.192885,00unsold
221Yellowstone Park Association01.01.1900100,00130,00
222A/S Dampskibsselskabet Atalanta13.03.1907200,00200,00
223A/S Hovland Traverbane12.12.1921150,00150,00
224Adamastor Cia. de Seguros Luso-Sul Americana15.07.1918200,00unsold
225AG der Baumwoll-Spinnereien, Webereien, Bleiche, Appretur, Färberei und Druckerei zu Trumau und Marienthal20.06.1883200,00unsold
226AG der Szegediner Exportdampfmühle und Wasserwerke01.03.1867200,00unsold
227AG der Wiener Ziegelwerke01.07.1905150,00unsold
228Aktiebolaget Sala Zink22.01.1906100,00110,00
229Armement en Guerre et Merchandises du Navire l’Aventure30.03.1801200,00360,00
230B. Sirven S.A.10.01.192180,00unsold
231Banco Industrial Portugues S.A. (3 Stücke)100,00unsold
232Bank LeCredit Gomleen Coop. Soc. Ltd.07.11.193380,0080,00
233BASF Holding Luxemburg01.04.196770,00unsold
234Birmingham Canal Navigations18.07.1784400,00400,00
235Brennberger Kohlenbergbau-AG02.01.1889100,00unsold
236Canterbury Navigation & Sandwich Harbour Co.19.09.1826300,00360,00
237Casino Municipal de la Ville de Nice S.A.30.03.1881100,00100,00
238Cia. de Navegacao do Tejo e Sado por Barcos Movidos por Vapor22.04.1839120,00unsold
239Cia. Portugueza de Transportes Maritimos Thetis03.03.1876380,00unsold
240Cie. Gén. des Huitrières d'Ostende S.A.22.04.188250,00unsold
241Cie. Marseillaise de Sucrerie Coloniale (2 Stücke)100,00unsold
242Compagnie Ottomane des Eaux de Smyrne13.04.1895100,00100,00
243Companhia da Guine S.A.25.05.1919130,00130,00 n
244Companhia Real de Toledo unida a la de Extremadura08.05.17482.500,00unsold
245Compania de Minas de Hierro del Pedroso Bajo la Advocation de Sn. Jose27.07.18331.000,001.000,00
246Crédito Castellano27.02.1862100,00unsold
247Dampskibsselskabet Jyden A/S20.08.192570,00unsold
248Derby Canal Company07.10.17933.000,00unsold
249Disconto-Cassa in Interlaken31.12.1878200,00unsold
250Edison Bell (International) Ltd.07.01.192975,00unsold
251Ehstländische Credit-Casse10.04.1885150,00unsold
252Ehstländische Credit-Casse10.04.1885400,00unsold
253El Veterano Sociedad Minera22.10.186080,00unsold
254Electrica Montseny S.A.02.03.192950,00unsold
255FIAT S.p.A.28.12.1971100,00unsold
256FIAT S.p.A.15.03.1972100,00unsold
257Fiskeri Aktie-Bolaget Sälen15.08.1914100,00100,00
258Funicular Aereo del Puig Major S.A.18.11.193575,00unsold
259Grandes Armazens Naseimento30.11.192170,0070,00
260Great Grimsby & Sheffield Junction Railway Co.28.08.1846100,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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