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HSK Auction catalog XXXI  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
66Central Railroad Co. of Iowa16.06.1873250,00unsold
67Chicago, Danville & Vincennes Railroad01.01.1873300,00unsold
68Chicago, Rock Island & Texas Railway01.01.189390,00unsold
69Chicago & Western Indiana Railroad (Consolidated Stock)17.11.1887100,00100,00 n
70Chicora Importing & Exporting Co.24.01.1865250,00250,00 n
71Cia. Carris Urbanos30.09.1895100,00100,00 n
72Cia. del Ferro-Carril entre Cienfuegos y Villa-Clara01.08.188970,0080,00
73Cia. Docas de Santos S.A.21.05.1934100,00100,00
74Cia. Metropolitana de Tramways al Puerto de Buenos Aires24.08.188960,0060,00 n
75Cie. Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama S.A.03.08.1887250,00320,00
76City of Barranquilla01.12.193975,0080,00
77Columbus Piqua & Indiana Railroad09.06.185470,0085,00
78Commonwealth Pictures Corp.19.07.1917240,00unsold
79Compagnie du Port de Rio de Janeiro25.09.1910150,00unsold
80Companhia Mogyana01.01.1872350,00unsold
81Confederate States of America, Cr. 141 (R4) - Ball 286 (R4+)07.11.1864125,00125,00
82Dayton & Western Rail Road Co.15.08.1866100,00110,00
83Deer Creek & Susquehanna Railroad08.01.1889240,00unsold
84Delaware & Potomac Fish Preserving Co.21.11.1881300,00unsold
85Denver & Rio Grande Railroad01.10.1886150,00unsold
86Denver & Rio Grande Railroad17.01.191080,0080,00
87Detroit Edison Co.03.02.1903500,00unsold
88Downingstown, Ephrata and Harrisburg Turnpike Road Co.09.06.182110,0028,00
89Dunnville, Wellandport and Beamsville Electric Railway Co.10.12.1912150,00unsold
90Dutchess & Columbia Railroad01.01.1868400,00400,00 n
91Edison Phonograph Works (OU Thomas A. Edison)13.07.19231.250,00unsold
92Elmira, Jefferson & Canandaigua Railroad10.12.1862100,00110,00
93Evansville, Indianpolis & Cleveland Straight Line Railroad01.03.1854200,00200,00 n
94Fairview Gold Mining & Milling Co.15.09.190360,00unsold
95Fernandina & Jacksonville Railroad11.08.1880500,00unsold
96Ford Garage Co.01.01.1925140,00unsold
97Ford Motor Company of Canada, Ltd.22.03.1929300,00300,00 n
98Franklin Canal Company01.02.1851150,00unsold
99Fredericksburg, Orange & Charlottesville Railroad01.11.1872600,00600,00
100Gearless Steam Auto Manufacturing Co.22.07.1919200,00200,00 n
101Geary Street Railway Bond01.07.1910100,00100,00 n
102Gold Hammer Mines and Tunnel10.05.1901100,00unsold
103Great Cariboo Gold Co.16.07.1909800,00800,00
104Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy & Lancaster Railroad06.07.1857150,00160,00
105Hartford, Providence & Fishkill Railroad01.01.1850125,00125,00 n
106Henry Disston & Sons, Inc.18.12.1922100,00unsold
107Hopkinton Rail Road01.07.18721.000,001.200,00
108Hoy Sun Firecracker Co.17.02.1920280,00unsold
109Illinois South Eastern Railway (Gallatin County RR Bond)01.01.1870300,00unsold
110Império do Brazil - Provincial do Amazonas24.05.1876300,00550,00
111Indiana & Lake Michigan Railway10.10.1888250,00unsold
112Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western Railway01.10.1869250,00250,00 n
113International Printing Telegraph Co.13.11.1889200,00unsold
114Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf Railroad02.06.1879250,00unsold
115Kansas City, Leavenworth & Atchison Railway25.08.1880200,00unsold
116Kinnier Taxi-Cab and Touring Co.03.12.1917350,00unsold
117La Alianza Compania de Credito y Segoros02.01.1862350,00unsold
118La Crosse & Milwaukee Rail Road02.02.1857150,00165,00
119Lexington & Southern Railway07.08.1880300,00320,00
120Louisiana Purchase Exposition Co.19.05.1904650,00unsold
121Macon & Brunswick Railroad01.09.1868200,00unsold
122Madeira-Mamoré Railway Company01.10.1910200,00unsold
123Mc. Kenney Tubular Rail Co.17.03.1883250,00unsold
124Merchants Steamship Co.20.06.1866200,00200,00
125Metropolitan Cross-Town Railway Co.01.04.1890125,00125,00
126Miami Valley Railway01.11.1876350,00unsold
127Milwaukee & Minnesota Rail Road24.10.1864200,00200,00
128Mississippi, Ouachita & Red River Rail Road05.05.1870200,00220,00
129Moon-Anchor Gold Mining Co.04.01.1898125,00unsold
130Mutual Rubber Production Co. No. 115.12.190275,0075,00
All prices are in Euro

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