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HSK Auction catalog XXV  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
85Homestead Bank of Brooklyn23.04.192150,00unsold
86Honduras Government Railway Loan20.02.1868175,00unsold
87Houston Oil Co. of Texas08.12.193085,00unsold
88Hudson & Manhattan Railroad20.08.1935100,00100,00
89Independent Red Men Hall Association15.03.1879185,00unsold
90Iowa Central Railway21.06.1909175,00unsold
91Iron Steamboat Co. of New Jersey09.02.1911175,00unsold
92James River Valley & North Western Railway01.07.1918150,00unsold
93Junction Railroad12.08.1889250,00250,00
94Kansas City Railways01.07.191570,00unsold
95Kansas City, Wyandotte & Northwestern Rail Road17.06.1892200,00unsold
96Kaskawilliam Coal Co.16.06.186485,0085,00
97La Plata Mining and Smelting Co.06.03.1882250,00unsold
98Law Association of Philadelphia18.04.1878100,00unsold
99Liverpool Western Canada Land Co.15.01.191240,0040,00
100Long Island Live Stock Fair Association11.01.1890125,00unsold
101Lorelei Amusement & Realty Co.14.05.1914150,00unsold
102Macon & Brunswick Railroad12.07.188075,0075,00
103Madeira-Mamoré Railway01.10.1910150,00unsold
104Madeira-Mamoré Railway01.09.192275,00110,00
105Maid of Orleans, Oil, Chemical, Mine & Developing Co.28.09.1901165,00unsold
106Martin Johnson African Expedition Corp.09.04.192485,00unsold
107Maryland Central Railway15.05.1889250,00unsold
108Mc. Kean & Buffalo Railroad03.04.1909125,00135,00
109Mercantile Library Co.30.10.187170,0070,00
110Michigan Central Railroad01.09.185485,00unsold
111Middle States Oil Corp.07.07.192085,00unsold
112Midway & Oakdale Railway03.03.1907100,00unsold
113Millstone & New-Brunswick Railroad16.11.1882125,00140,00
114Minneapolis Coöperative Co.07.05.1895150,00unsold
115Missouri Smelting and Mineral Land Co.01.06.1867185,00unsold
116Moosic Mountain & Carbondale Railroad03.09.1896100,00unsold
117Morris Canal & Banking Co. of 184422.05.1868150,00150,00
118Mound City Railway05.06.1885175,00unsold
119Mount Pleasant & Sea View City Railroad01.01.1893250,00unsold
120National Metropolitan Bank of Washington03.11.189150,00unsold
121National Rivet and Novelty Co.30.03.189475,00unsold
122National Union Bank of New London20.02.1871200,00270,00
123Negro Masonic Hall Association23.01.1909185,00unsold
124New Orleans & Southern Railroad26.07.1892300,00unsold
125New York Evening Post, Inc.03.04.1934150,00150,00
126New York, Ontario & Western Railway04.02.1880150,00unsold
127New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad07.05.1880125,00125,00
128New York Tap and Die Co.16.03.187065,00unsold
129Newport News and Mississippi Valley Co.26.09.1889200,00unsold
130Northern Light, Power & Coal Co.06.10.190980,0080,00 n
131Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah27.03.1911100,00130,00
132Oklahoma Central Railway01.12.1905150,00unsold
133Old Colony Steamboat12.12.1893120,00120,00
134Oneida National Bank01.02.1875150,00unsold
135Oriental Oil Co.05.06.1903100,00110,00
136Oxford & Henderson Railroad29.04.1887200,00unsold
137Paterson & Ramapo Railroad18.09.1862120,00120,00 v
138Peabody Fire Insurance Co.17.10.1890150,00unsold
139Penn Placer Mining Co. of Helena, Montana02.11.188985,00unsold
140Pennsylvania Canal Co.10.06.1873120,00120,00
141Pesquera Iquique S.A.31.10.196475,0090,00
142Phenix Truck Makers Inc.03.07.191785,00unsold
143Philadelphia, Newtown & New York Railroad01.04.1873150,00160,00
144Philadelphia, Reading & New England Railroad01.08.1892100,00unsold
145Philadelphia & Savannah Steam Navigation Co.02.10.1852250,00unsold
146Pine Bluff & Western Railroad05.02.1907200,00unsold
147Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway01.03.189070,0075,00
148Port of Para24.12.191865,00unsold
149Postal Telegraph Co.26.01.1882250,00unsold
150Potomac Oil Co.04.08.1902125,00unsold
151Pottsville Bank10.01.1876400,00500,00
152Puget Sound & Willapa Harbor Railway10.08.1918125,00unsold
153Queen Anne’s Railroad21.05.1900175,00unsold
154Rio Grande Southern Railroad31.07.1896275,00unsold
155Roman Brothers Silver Mining Co.03.08.1865225,00unsold
156Rossia Insurance Co.01.01.193965,0065,00
157Saegersville Slate Quarrying and Manufacturing Co.02.09.1886250,00unsold
158San Francisco & San Joaquin Valley Railway13.05.1895175,00unsold
159San Paulo Match Factory Ltd.03.08.1906100,00100,00
160Santa Fe, Raton & Des Moines Railroad01.03.1906175,00unsold
161Schleswig Telephone Co.25.10.191510,0017,00
162Schuylkill Haven & Lehigh River Railroad22.11.1862150,00unsold
163Sea View Railroad20.10.1897175,00unsold
164Second National Bank of Boston14.09.191050,00unsold
165Security Fire Insurance Co.10.08.1863250,00unsold
166Sonora Railway03.04.188210,0042,00
167South American Gold & Platinum Co.15.10.191675,00unsold
168Southern Alberta Land Co.22.03.191040,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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