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HSK Auction catalog XXVIII  

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
81Marion (Union) & Logansport Railroad15.04.186390,0090,00
82Mercantile Library Co. of Philadelphia18.09.186860,00unsold
83Merchants Union Express Co.15.11.1867200,00unsold
84Meriden Britannia Co.14.11.189880,00unsold
85Millville & Glassboro Railroad16.05.186060,0060,00
86Milwaukee Street Railway07.07.189150,00unsold
87Mississippi & Missouri Railroad17.07.185380,0090,00
88Missouri River Railway01.06.1909250,00unsold
89Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City Railroad03.01.1903100,00100,00
90Moon Motor Car Co.30.10.1929150,00unsold
91Motorola Inc.17.05.200175,0075,00
92Mount Hood Railroad01.01.1907100,00unsold
93Nashua & Lowell Railroad30.03.190050,0050,00
94North Banner Con. Tunnel Co.28.11.188360,00unsold
95North & South Carolina Railroad28.10.1918125,00unsold
96Northern Pacific Coal Co.13.06.1895120,00unsold
97Northern Railroad17.09.184760,0065,00
98Northwestern Railroad Co. of South Carolina25.01.193075,0075,00
99Oregon Pacific Railroad01.10.1880250,00unsold
100Orinoco Steam Navigation Co.01.05.1851150,00unsold
101Paterson & Hudson River Railroad02.01.190460,0066,00 v
102Pecos & Northern Texas Railway26.11.1907100,00100,00
103Pennsylvania Poughkeepsie & Boston Railroad01.01.1889200,00unsold
104Peoples National Bank of Waterville01.11.186950,00unsold
105Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Railway02.08.188110,0021,00
106Peoria & Rock Island Railway13.03.1873300,00unsold
107Perris & Lakeview Railway03.11.1898120,00unsold
108Philip Morris & Co. Ltd.01.01.1941150,00150,00
109Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad10.07.189160,0060,00
110Playboy Enterprises, Inc.22.10.1975100,00unsold
111Playboy Enterprises, Inc.07.05.200175,00unsold
112Queen Annes & Kent Railroad31.05.1889125,00unsold
113Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Co.13.06.1872190,00unsold
114Reo Motor Car Co.10.01.191650,0055,00
115Republic of Ecuador29.09.185510,0022,00
116Republican Valley, Kansas & South Western Railroad12.12.189050,0065,00
117Rio Grande, Mexico & Pacific Railroad01.04.1893180,00unsold
118Rosebud Indian Mission24.01.1886750,00unsold
119Roseland Railway Co.28.05.192960,0060,00
120S.A. Compania Puerto Ibapobó16.12.191860,00unsold
121S.A. de Minerales en las Serranias de Amambay y Maracayu17.07.187750,0050,00
122S.A. The American Quebracho Company01.04.190760,00unsold
123Sacramento Valley Colony Co.01.05.192340,0040,00
124Saint Louis, Kansas City & Colorado Railroad23.12.1884150,00unsold
125Santa Fè, Prescott & Phoenix Railway15.04.1893125,00unsold
126Saratoga & Schenectady Railroad14.09.186150,0055,00
127Saxon Motor Car Corp.03.08.1922150,00unsold
128Sievern & Knoxville Railroad23.05.1899190,00unsold
129Southern Inland Navigation & Improvement Co.01.05.1871350,00unsold
130Southern Kansas Railway20.12.1889180,00180,00
131Southern Pacific Railroad (State of Texas)24.05.1869500,00unsold
132Southern Railway Co. of Indiana28.12.1900250,00unsold
133Spokane Falls & Idaho Railroad05.01.1888100,00100,00
134St. Joseph & Santa Fe Railroad08.08.1887150,00unsold
135St. Louis, Ore & Steel Company01.01.1887100,00100,00
136Sterling Iron & Railway Co.18.04.189250,00unsold
137Sullivan Railroad15.11.1847150,00unsold
138Texas & Gulf Railway29.04.1905100,00110,00
139Transylvania Railroad20.06.1899150,00unsold
140Trust del Alto Paraguay S.A.28.12.191050,0050,00 n
141United States Automotive Corp.03.02.1921100,00unsold
142Vedado Tennis Club20.01.191950,0065,00
143Vermont Central Railroad17.03.1853250,00unsold
144Vixen Alluvial Gold Mining Co.07.03.189650,0050,00
145Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway10.05.190460,0060,00
146Washington & Chesapeake Beach Railway01.11.1893125,00unsold
147West Virginia Midland Railroad02.04.190675,0077,00
148Westmoreland County Coal and Coke Co.28.04.188375,00unsold
149Wildwood & Delaware Bay Short Line Railroad06.01.1913120,00120,00
150AG C. Siegel01.01.1903350,00420,00
151AG der Rigaer Strassenbahnen01.01.191490,00unsold
152Armavir-Touapse Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft01.01.1913450,00unsold
153Cie. du Chemin de Fer de l'Ouest-Oural (ex-Berdiaousch-Lyswa)01.01.191210,0016,00
154Dwinsk-Witebsk Eisenbahn01.01.189445,0045,00
155Erste Rigaer Gesellschaft Gegenseitigen Credits31.12.1924150,00unsold
156Kaiserlich Russische Regierung01.01.190210,0020,00
157Kaiserlich Russische Regierung01.01.190510,0021,00
158Kohlen-Handel und Industrie AG “Paul Boeckel”25.02.1913750,00unsold
159Moskau-Kiew-Woronesch Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft01.01.190910,0021,00
160Moskau-Windau-Rybinsk Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft01.01.189810,0021,00
All prices are in Euro

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