| HSK Auktionskatalog XLI |
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Los | Beschreibung | Datum | Ausruf | Zuschlag | 121 | Memphis, El Paso & Pacific Railroad | 23.12.1868 | 280,00 | offen | 122 | Merchants Transportation Co. | 22.02.1859 | 180,00 | offen | 123 | Merritt and Chapman Derrick and Wrecking Co. | | 150,00 | 160,00 | 124 | Mexican Central Airways, Inc. | 19.11.1930 | 350,00 | offen | 125 | Michigan Air Line Railroad | 28.11.1869 | 75,00 | 77,00 | 126 | Middletown & Elizabethtown Street Railway | 15.05.1911 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 127 | Minehill & Schuylkill Haven Railroad | 02.11.1871 | 160,00 | offen | 128 | Miners and Merchants Bank | 16.11.1929 | 100,00 | offen | 129 | Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad | 05.02.1912 | 280,00 | 280,00 | 130 | Minnesota & Northwestern Rail Road | 01.07.1870 | 750,00 | 950,00 | 131 | Mississippi Valley Railroad | 17.04.1895 | 600,00 | offen | 132 | Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway | 01.06.1890 | 160,00 | 160,00 | 133 | Mobile & Montgomery Railroad | 01.09.1871 | 240,00 | offen | 134 | Montgomery & West Point Railroad | 14.04.1863 | 180,00 | offen | 135 | Morristown & Cumberland Gap Railroad | 31.05.1893 | 400,00 | offen | 136 | Musquito Cove Steam Boat Wharf Co. | 04.03.1829 | 300,00 | 300,00 | 137 | National Railroad Co. of Mexico | 15.03.1902 | 100,00 | offen | 138 | New Orleans Great Northern Railroad | 01.11.1913 | 50,00 | 55,00 | 139 | New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga Railroad | 01.07.1870 | 150,00 | 150,00 | 140 | New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad | 01.02.1872 | 150,00 | offen | 141 | New York & Atlantic Railroad | 12.04.1881 | 850,00 | offen | 142 | New York & Boston Railroad | 16.12.1864 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 143 | New York & Havre Steam Ship Co. | 13.11.1867 | 280,00 | offen | 144 | New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad | 24.12.1903 | 750,00 | offen | 145 | New York, Rutland & Montreal Railway | 01.01.1884 | 80,00 | 85,00 | 146 | New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railway | 01.02.1884 | 400,00 | offen | 147 | Nicaragua Company | 12.07.1895 | 150,00 | 150,00 | 148 | Nicaragua Company | 16.07.1895 | 200,00 | 240,00 | 149 | Norfolk & Petersburg Railroad | 01.07.1857 | 120,00 | 130,00 | 150 | Norfolk State Bank | 19.04.1893 | 250,00 | 250,00 | 151 | North & West Branch Railway | 07.03.1882 | 140,00 | offen | 152 | North Western Railroad | 17.11.1856 | 600,00 | offen | 153 | Northern Liberties Railroad | 01.05.1851 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 154 | Northern Oyster Co. | 02.05.1911 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 155 | Northern Pacific Railroad (OU Jay Cooke) | 01.07.1870 | 8.500,00 | offen | 156 | Ocean City Railroad | 09.06.1896 | 100,00 | offen | 157 | Ocean Floating Safe Co. | 30.05.1917 | 280,00 | 280,00 | 158 | Ohio & Mississippi Railroad (Eastern Division) | 01.03.1856 | 300,00 | offen | 159 | Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad | 25.07.1855 | 50,00 | 60,00 | 160 | Old Colony Railroad | 02.12.1895 | 100,00 | offen | 161 | Old Colony Steamboat Co. | 17.10.1890 | 80,00 | offen | 162 | Organic Oil Co. | 09.03.1865 | 100,00 | offen | 163 | Pacific Express Co. | 03.08.1894 | 300,00 | offen | 164 | Pacific Land Co. | 25.05.1863 | 240,00 | offen | 165 | Pacific Railway Co. in Kansas | 04.04.1887 | 600,00 | offen | 166 | Pennsylvania Railroad | 21.05.1898 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 167 | Peoples Bank of Philadelphia | 24.06.1870 | 120,00 | 120,00 | 168 | Perry Oil Co. | 02.06.1864 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 169 | Philadelphia & Atlantic City Railway | 17.04.1878 | 500,00 | 550,00 | 170 | Philadelphia, Germantown & Norristown Railroad | 10.12.1850 | 160,00 | offen | 171 | Philadelphia Loan Company | 12.06.1838 | 400,00 | 500,00 | 172 | Philadelphia & Reading Railroad | 03.01.1888 | 400,00 | 400,00 | 173 | Philippine Railway Co. (2 Stücke) | | 80,00 | offen | 174 | Phoenix Savings Bank & Trust Co. | 08.01.1929 | 60,00 | 60,00 | 175 | Playboy Enterprises, Inc. | 22.10.1975 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 176 | Polk County Copper Co. | 15.05.1860 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 177 | Port Reading Railroad | 22.06.1915 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 178 | Portland & Willamette Valley Railway | 28.05.1887 | 900,00 | offen | 179 | Prescott & Arizona Central Railway | 29.08.1892 | 800,00 | offen | 180 | Pueblo & Arkansas Valley Railroad | 01.11.1875 | 150,00 | 150,00 |
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