| HSK Auktionskatalog XXIII |
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Los | Beschreibung | Datum | Ausruf | Zuschlag | 1 | American Bosch Corp. | 01.01.1919 | 240,00 | offen | 2 | American Merchants Union Express Co. | 30.12.1868 | 250,00 | 270,00 | 3 | Atlantic & Pacific Railroad | 01.11.1871 | 300,00 | offen | 4 | Baltimore and Carolina Steamship Co. | 10.06.1910 | 100,00 | 110,00 | 5 | Baltimore and Tampa Steamship Co. | 10.06.1926 | 100,00 | offen | 6 | Baltimore & Drum Point Railroad | 04.06.1890 | 600,00 | 650,00 | 7 | Baltimore & Eastern Shore Railroad | 08.03.1892 | 180,00 | 180,00 | 8 | Baltimore & Ohio Railroad | 28.10.1919 | 25,00 | 44,00 | 9 | Baltimore School of Art Needle Work | 19.01.1901 | 60,00 | 70,00 | 10 | Baltimore & Towsontown Railroad | 16.07.1860 | 280,00 | 280,00 | 11 | Banco de Crédito Argentina S.A. Cooperativa Limitada | 29.01.1907 | 100,00 | 180,00 | 12 | Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A. | 01.03.1912 | 60,00 | offen | 13 | Banco del Comercio del Perú | 31.12.1882 | 80,00 | offen | 14 | Banco Latino del Plata | 04.06.1907 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 15 | Banco Nacional de Santo Domingo S.A. | 15.10.1889 | 90,00 | 90,00 | 16 | Bank of Pensacola | 29.04.1835 | 180,00 | offen | 17 | Barberton, Akron & Eastern Railway | 23.11.1901 | 75,00 | 75,00 n | 18 | Bedford & Hollidaysburg Railroad | 11.10.1902 | 150,00 | offen | 19 | Bethlehem Motors Corp. | 28.04.1920 | 175,00 | offen | 20 | Big Fork & International Falls Railway | 20.04.1938 | 90,00 | offen | 21 | Boeing Company | 01.01.1990 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 22 | Boston & New York Chickasaw Land Co. | 25.01.1844 | 150,00 | offen | 23 | Boston, Newport and New York Steamboat Co. | 07.12.1863 | 90,00 | offen | 24 | Bradford Railroad | 30.04.1888 | 150,00 | 165,00 | 25 | Brazos River Channel and Dock Co. | 01.04.1889 | 500,00 | offen | 26 | British Associated Oil Company Ltd. | 21.10.1926 | 30,00 | offen | 27 | Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad | 01.04.1901 | 250,00 | offen | 28 | Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad | 03.07.1902 | 150,00 | offen | 29 | Bustleton Railroad | 27.12.1890 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 30 | Cambria & Clearfield Railway | 01.08.1903 | 100,00 | offen | 31 | Cambridge & Seaford Railroad | 21.04.1885 | 150,00 | offen | 32 | Cape May & Millville Railroad | 28.09.1866 | 140,00 | offen | 33 | Carolina Central Railroad | 01.02.1881 | 125,00 | 160,00 | 34 | Central Union Depot & Railway Co. of Cincinnati | 12.11.1891 | 65,00 | 65,00 | 35 | Cerveceria San Martin Bahia Blanca | 26.05.1902 | 50,00 | offen | 36 | Chicago and Wyoming Gold Mining Co. | 26.04.1871 | 250,00 | offen | 37 | Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad | 11.06.1897 | 150,00 | offen | 38 | Chicago Terminal Transfer Railroad | 18.04.1907 | 80,00 | offen | 39 | Chilian Eastern Central Railway | 22.09.1910 | 35,00 | 35,00 | 40 | Cia. Azucarera Valdez | 31.03.1942 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 41 | Cia. del Ferrocarril de la Oroya y Mineral de Pasco S.A. | 31.01.1878 | 75,00 | 85,00 | 42 | Cia. Uniao dos Lavradores | 01.01.1890 | 75,00 | offen | 43 | Cie. du Chemin de Fer Sao Paulo & Rio Grande S.A. | 01.04.1902 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 44 | Cie. du Chemin de Fer Victoria a Minas S.A. (Victoria Minas Railway) | 31.07.1902 | 90,00 | offen | 45 | Cie. Gén. de l'Orénoque S.A. | 16.03.1888 | 85,00 | offen | 46 | Cie. Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama S.A. | 15.09.1887 | 100,00 | offen | 47 | Cienfuegos, Palmira & Cruces Electric Railway & Power Co. | 02.08.1918 | 50,00 | 55,00 | 48 | Clearwater Short Line Railway | 21.11.1898 | 200,00 | offen | 49 | Cleveland, Indiana & St. Louis Railroad | 10.01.1885 | 180,00 | 180,00 | 50 | Columbia Gesangverein | 31.12.1901 | 60,00 | 70,00 | 51 | Compania Cubana de Jarcia | 01.01.1912 | 100,00 | offen | 52 | Compania Docks de Transito del Puerto de La Plata | 01.09.1889 | 10,00 | 95,00 | 53 | Compania Minera S.A. Nueva Concordia | 05.11.1910 | 75,00 | offen | 54 | Compania “RIO PEREZ” de Lavaderos de Oro | 01.06.1907 | 50,00 | offen | 55 | Compania Terrenos de Golf en San Martin S.A. | 22.09.1922 | 60,00 | 60,00 | 56 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 159 (R5) - Ball 354 (R5) | 01.01.1864 | 300,00 | 300,00 | 57 | Consolidated Telephone Co. | 01.06.1885 | 225,00 | offen | 58 | Consumers’ Coal Co. | 01.09.1887 | 65,00 | 67,00 | 59 | Cresson & Irvona Railroad | 07.01.1897 | 180,00 | offen | 60 | Davidson Marble Co. | 10.09.1890 | 50,00 | offen | 61 | Deppé Motors Corp. | 08.12.1927 | 90,00 | 90,00 | 62 | Douglas Aircraft Comany | 01.01.1960 | 150,00 | offen | 63 | E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. | 01.01.1960 | 90,00 | 90,00 | 64 | East Pennsylvania Railroad | 29.04.1912 | 35,00 | 41,00 | 65 | Eastern Shore Railroad | 31.03.1860 | 900,00 | offen | 66 | El Delta del Guazu S.A. | 02.01.1908 | 60,00 | offen | 67 | Empresa del Ferro-Carril de Guantanamo | 31.12.1877 | 75,00 | 75,00 v | 68 | Etat d’Alagoas | 10.08.1906 | 65,00 | offen | 69 | Everett National Bank of Boston | 16.08.1865 | 100,00 | 130,00 | 70 | Ferro Carril Central de Buenos Aires Ltda. | 21.07.1931 | 60,00 | offen | 71 | First National Bank of Chicago | 01.11.1863 | 120,00 | 140,00 | 72 | Genesee Falls Railway | 21.12.1887 | 200,00 | 200,00 v | 73 | German Union Fire Insurance Co. | 16.10.1909 | 80,00 | offen | 74 | Great European American Emigration Land Co. | 24.10.1868 | 650,00 | 800,00 | 75 | Harroun Motors Corp. | 09.07.1917 | 150,00 | offen | 76 | Hartford and New York Transportation Co. | 01.04.1887 | 180,00 | offen | 77 | Herschell-Spillman Motor | 22.11.1919 | 120,00 | offen | 78 | Hibberd Oil Co. | 29.08.1864 | 280,00 | offen | 79 | Holliday’s Cove Railroad | 24.12.1866 | 150,00 | offen | 80 | Humeston & Shenandoah Railroad | 01.03.1881 | 180,00 | offen |
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