| HSK Auktionskatalog XLII |
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Los | Beschreibung | Datum | Ausruf | Zuschlag | 131 | Missouri Smelting and Mineral Land Co. | 01.06.1867 | 150,00 | offen | 132 | Muelles y Depósitos Puerto la Plata | 01.07.1889 | 100,00 | 110,00 | 133 | Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 1905 | 15.06.1905 | 200,00 | offen | 134 | Municipality of Pará (Belem) 6 % Treasury Bills 1919 | 01.07.1919 | 10,00 | 15,00 | 135 | Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway | 18.03.1917 | 300,00 | offen | 136 | Natchitoches & Red River Valley Railway | 27.04.1901 | 500,00 | 550,00 | 137 | National Fire & Marine Insurance Co. of Philadelphia | 07.10.1873 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 138 | National Savings & Loan Association | 03.05.1893 | 150,00 | offen | 139 | National Union Bank of New London | 20.02.1871 | 200,00 | 220,00 | 140 | Negaunee & Palmer Railroad | 29.06.1888 | 160,00 | 170,00 | 141 | New Holland National Bank | 19.11.1930 | 120,00 | 170,00 | 142 | New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago Railroad (3 Stücke) | | 120,00 | offen | 143 | New York & Greenwood Lake Railway | 10.06.1879 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 144 | Nogales National Bank | 21.01.1918 | 100,00 | offen | 145 | North America Consolidated Gold Mining Co. | 26.02.1904 | 200,00 | offen | 146 | Northern Pacific Railway | 01.01.1921 | 100,00 | offen | 147 | Oglesby and Granville Railway | 05.10.1905 | 200,00 | 200,00 | 148 | Ohio & Mississippi Railroad (Eastern Division) | 01.05.1856 | 250,00 | offen | 149 | Omaha & St. Louis Railway | 26.04.1892 | 150,00 | offen | 150 | Oregon Railway and Navigation Co. | 12.11.1889 | 500,00 | offen | 151 | Oregon Steam Navigation Co. | 15.05.1874 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 152 | Oregon & Washington Territory Railroad | 01.11.1888 | 500,00 | offen | 153 | Oregon & Washington Territory Railroad (OU Hunt) | 30.04.1891 | 1.000,00 | offen | 154 | Orono Bank | 30.03.1859 | 120,00 | offen | 155 | Pan American Airways Corp. (OU Sherman M. Fairchild) | 13.03.1945 | 750,00 | 1.200,00 | 156 | Panama Mail Steamship Co. | 01.01.1920 | 50,00 | offen | 157 | Pathe Freres Phonograph Co. | 01.07.1920 | 80,00 | offen | 158 | Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Co. | 10.08.1933 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 159 | Peoples Bank | 09.07.1913 | 100,00 | offen | 160 | Peoria & Oquawka Railroad | 16.01.1855 | 300,00 | offen | 161 | Perth Amboy & Woodbridge Railroad | 09.01.1892 | 200,00 | 200,00 n | 162 | Petrie Salvage Co. | 12.07.1909 | 120,00 | offen | 163 | Philadelphia & Trenton Railroad | 10.02.1881 | 500,00 | offen | 164 | Piscataqua Bridge | 07.12.1793 | 300,00 | 300,00 | 165 | Playboy Enterprises, Inc. | 01.01.1970 | 70,00 | 70,00 | 166 | Playboy Enterprises, Inc. | 18.09.1989 | 100,00 | offen | 167 | Port Jervis & Monticello Railroad | 07.08.1875 | 300,00 | 300,00 | 168 | Portland & Seattle Railway | 24.08.1905 | 100,00 | 120,00 | 169 | Presque Isle Railroad | 01.01.1882 | 220,00 | offen | 170 | Rensselaer County Bank | 06.04.1920 | 80,00 | offen | 171 | Republic of Bolivia | 01.09.1928 | 170,00 | offen | 172 | Republic of Bolivia | 01.09.1928 | 240,00 | offen | 173 | Richard and Whitlatch Mfg. Co. | 27.02.1880 | 200,00 | offen | 174 | Ritchie Mineral Resin and Oil Co. | 01.05.1869 | 100,00 | offen | 175 | Rockford Belt Railway | 08.02.1905 | 180,00 | 190,00 | 176 | Rolls-Royce of America, Inc. | 22.09.1920 | 1.000,00 | offen | 177 | Rutland Trust Co. | 15.03.1883 | 100,00 | offen | 178 | San Jose National Bank | 10.07.1929 | 100,00 | 110,00 | 179 | Schiller Building and Savings Association | 25.08.1869 | 120,00 | 120,00 | 180 | Schoolcraft Iron Co. | 14.05.1869 | 100,00 | offen | 181 | Scranton City Bank | 18.11.1873 | 280,00 | offen | 182 | Sealshipt Oyster System | 06.12.1912 | 150,00 | 160,00 | 183 | Smith County National Bank | 13.01.1898 | 150,00 | 150,00 | 184 | Societe Franco-Peruvienne | 01.06.1853 | 100,00 | offen | 185 | South Carolina Loan and Trust Co. | 18.08.1882 | 100,00 | offen | 186 | Southern Railway | 24.12.1897 | 100,00 | offen | 187 | St. Louis & San Francisco Railway | 10.02.1891 | 1.000,00 | 1.000,00 | 188 | State Bank of Kissimmee | 02.02.1914 | 150,00 | 240,00 | 189 | Staten Island Horse Railroad | 06.06.1867 | 280,00 | offen | 190 | Statesville & Western Railroad | 10.10.1887 | 120,00 | 120,00 | 191 | Submarine Boat Corp. | 02.04.1929 | 90,00 | offen | 192 | Sutherland Land & Improvement Co. | 22.01.1894 | 300,00 | offen | 193 | Swatara Railroad | 20.10.1842 | 1.000,00 | offen | 194 | Swinerton Locomotive Driving Wheel Co. | 14.05.1888 | 300,00 | offen | 195 | Texas & Pacific Railway | 24.03.1877 | 300,00 | offen |
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