| HSK Auktionskatalog XXXIV |
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Los | Beschreibung | Datum | Ausruf | Zuschlag | 66 | Henderson & Nashville Rail Road | 01.03.1854 | 400,00 | 440,00 | 67 | Holmes Electric Protective Co. | 23.12.1887 | 650,00 | 650,00 | 68 | Houston & Great Northern Railroad | 15.02.1872 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 69 | Howard Bank | 05.06.1863 | 400,00 | 420,00 | 70 | Hutchings Manufacturing Co. | 15.01.1923 | 100,00 | 122,00 | 71 | Interstate Auto & Supply Company | 05.01.1914 | 80,00 | offen | 72 | Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw Railroad | 19.12.1913 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 73 | Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Halifax River Railway + Jacksonville, St. Augustine & Indian River Railway | 01.11.1892 | 950,00 | offen | 74 | Kensington National Bank | 14.02.1873 | 150,00 | offen | 75 | Le Nouveau Monde - Cie. en Commandite for Working Gold Mines in California | 01.01.1851 | 60,00 | offen | 76 | Liberty Auto Company | 15.03.1927 | 80,00 | 80,00 v | 77 | Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co. | 01.10.1910 | 200,00 | 220,00 | 78 | Manchester Iron & Steel Company | 19.01.1880 | 125,00 | offen | 79 | Manufacturers & Traders Bank | 17.12.1900 | 250,00 | offen | 80 | Marine National Bank of the City of New York | 04.01.1869 | 250,00 | 250,00 | 81 | Matson Navigation Company | 30.09.1901 | 300,00 | 330,00 | 82 | Mechanics & Farmers Bank | 14.12.1848 | 200,00 | 240,00 | 83 | Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad | 01.03.1860 | 100,00 | offen | 84 | Mercantile Co-operative Bank of New York | 01.07.1897 | 180,00 | 180,00 | 85 | Merchants Union Express Co. | 15.11.1867 | 10,00 | 42,00 | 86 | Mergenthaler Linotype Co. | 04.02.1896 | 60,00 | 66,00 | 87 | Metropolitan National Bank of New York | 27.01.1877 | 200,00 | 220,00 | 88 | Mexican Cotton Estates of Tlahualilo, Ltd. | 16.12.1903 | 100,00 | offen | 89 | Miami Extension Canal Stock | 16.06.1845 | 125,00 | offen | 90 | Mobile & Ohio Rail Road | 02.02.1855 | 200,00 | offen | 91 | Monterey and Fresco Railroad | 01.07.1893 | 350,00 | 470,00 | 92 | Montgomery, Tuscaloosa and Memphis Railway | 09.07.1889 | 250,00 | 280,00 | 93 | Mount Carbon Coal & Iron Co. | 25.04.1853 | 150,00 | 160,00 | 94 | Mutual Bank | 22.09.1871 | 200,00 | 240,00 | 95 | National Bank of Albany, N.Y. | 07.07.1860 | 250,00 | 310,00 | 96 | New England Steamship Co. | 01.01.1912 | 120,00 | offen | 97 | New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga Railroad | 20.02.1871 | 400,00 | 440,00 | 98 | New York & Boston Railroad | 01.11.1869 | 280,00 | 320,00 | 99 | New York Cable Railway | 15.08.1884 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 100 | New York Dock Company | 01.08.1901 | 100,00 | offen | 101 | North American Land Company (OU Robert Morris) | 16.03.1795 | 350,00 | offen | 102 | North River Bank in the City of New York | 29.09.1890 | 250,00 | 280,00 | 103 | Nuevos Mataderos Publicos de la Capital | 21.03.1889 | 140,00 | offen | 104 | Ocean Floating Safe Co. | 30.05.1917 | 500,00 | offen | 105 | Ontario Bank | 19.07.1856 | 160,00 | offen | 106 | Owensboro and Nashville Railway | 31.05.1921 | 120,00 | 130,00 | 107 | Painesville and Hudson Railroad | 02.06.1856 | 275,00 | 275,00 n | 108 | Pan Am Corporation | 09.05.1997 | 80,00 | offen | 109 | Pan-American Theatrical Co. | 07.06.1915 | 150,00 | 150,00 n | 110 | Payne’s Safety First Gate Co. | 28.09.1921 | 200,00 | offen | 111 | Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts | 29.05.1933 | 80,00 | 80,00 | 112 | People‘s College | 01.01.1853 | 120,00 | offen | 113 | Peoria & Oquawka Railroad | 16.01.1855 | 350,00 | 480,00 | 114 | Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road | 16.03.1795 | 500,00 | 550,00 | 115 | Philadelphia Bourse | 01.03.1892 | 30,00 | 42,00 | 116 | Philadelphia Bourse | 18.05.1896 | 30,00 | offen | 117 | Philadelphia Electric Power Co. + National Power & Light Co. (7x ABNC-Specimen) | | 10,00 | 46,00 | 118 | Philadelphia Zoological Society | 26.03.1888 | 500,00 | 500,00 n | 119 | Philadelphian and Sunbury Railroad | 09.06.1856 | 350,00 | offen | 120 | Pine Plains Bank | 12.07.1856 | 125,00 | offen | 121 | Pittsburgh Speedway Association | 10.11.1916 | 1.000,00 | 1.000,00 | 122 | Playboy Enterprises, Inc. | 22.10.1975 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 123 | Pneumatic Gun-Carriage and Power Co. | 27.10.1897 | 120,00 | 150,00 | 124 | Prescott & Arizona Central Railway | 21.11.1885 | 350,00 | 380,00 | 125 | Producers & Manufacturers Bank of Titusville | 20.04.1875 | 250,00 | 320,00 | 126 | Quanah, Acme and Pacific Railway | 01.10.1909 | 200,00 | offen | 127 | Rensselaer & Saratoga Rail Road | 01.07.1862 | 100,00 | offen | 128 | República de Cuba | 01.12.1872 | 220,00 | 220,00 | 129 | Richmond & York River Rail Road | 01.01.1857 | 300,00 | offen | 130 | Rickenbacker Motor Co. | 02.03.1926 | 150,00 | offen |
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