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HSK Auktionskatalog XXX  

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Alle Angaben in EuroSortieren nach
81Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana Railroad01.04.1860120,00offen
82Monongahela River and Streets Run Railroad29.11.1892120,00130,00
83National Railway Company of New Jersey24.05.1873160,00175,00
84New Albany Railway02.01.1893140,00offen
85New England Motor Co.21.03.1925450,00450,00
86New Jersey & New York Railroad03.04.1880150,00150,00
87New Jersey & New York Railroad27.11.1885140,00offen
88Newry Railroad01.05.1868160,00160,00
89Omaha and Republican Valley Railway08.03.1895120,00120,00
90Oregon & Transcontinental Co.16.05.1889175,00offen
91Packard Motor Car Co.15.04.1921500,00500,00
92PANAMA-CANAL Société d’Études et de Publications pour favoriser l’Achèvement du Canal de Panama09.05.1892250,00310,00
93Peru Zwangsanleihe07.10.1822150,00offen
94Playboy Enterprises, Inc.01.01.1970140,00offen
95Playboy Enterprises, Inc.22.10.1975160,00160,00 v
96Playboy Enterprises, Inc.18.09.1989160,00offen
97Raleigh & Gaston Railroad28.06.1844350,00offen
98Raquette Lake Railway01.06.1899200,00200,00 n
99Real Estate Bank of the State of Arkansas01.01.183910,0043,00
100República de Cuba01.12.1872220,00240,00
101Republica Peruana29.04.1837200,00offen
102Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad15.02.1878200,00220,00
103Ringling Bros. - Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc.01.01.1970250,00offen
104Rochester, New York & Pennsylvania Railroad11.07.1881100,00125,00
105Rolls-Royce of America, Inc.01.10.1934900,00900,00
106Salem & Pennsgrove Traction Co.01.12.1915120,00offen
107Sandy Beach Association30.07.1918100,00offen
108Savannah & Northwestern Railway15.08.1914100,00120,00
109Scioto & Hocking Valley Rail Road01.05.1856150,00offen
110Sierra Railway Co. of California15.09.1904150,00150,00
111Slate Belt Electric Street Railway02.01.191290,0092,00
112Slate Belt Electric Street Railway02.01.1912100,00offen
113South Mountain Railroad01.02.1873200,00200,00 n
114Spartanburg Union & Columbia Railroad19.07.1877240,00240,00 n
115Spirit-Hotel and Transportation Co.10.04.1883150,00150,00 v
116Tesoreria Nacional de Puerto Rico04.05.1813350,00offen
117Texas Central Railroad24.01.189690,00offen
118Thos. A. Hendricks Petroleum and Mineral Co.29.10.1889200,00offen
119Triple State Natural Gas & Oil Co.24.09.189880,0080,00
120Ville de Bahia15.03.1906100,00100,00
121Vizekönigreich Peru06.06.1815350,00350,00 n
122Washington Bank & Savings Co.26.05.192190,00100,00
123Western Maryland Rail Road04.06.191775,0075,00 v
124Wichita Falls & Northwestern Railway01.07.1907125,00offen
125World Bible League Corp.15.12.191185,0085,00
126World’s Columbian Exposition04.03.1892500,00offen
127Yazoo Delta Railway23.09.1895100,00100,00 n
128Yazoo & Mississippi Valley Railroad28.02.1887150,00offen
129Yellowstone Park Association12.08.1885500,00500,00
130Yellowstone Park Hotel Co.01.01.1900200,00offen
131Yellowstone Park Transportation Co.01.01.1910300,00offen
132Aberdeen Glen Line Steam Ship Co.17.03.188570,0070,00
133American Nautilus Submarine Co.21.11.18561.750,001.750,00
134American Steamship Paddle-Wheel Co.14.03.1865220,00offen
135American Submarine Co.01.01.1869100,00offen
136American-Hawaiian Steam Ship Co.10.07.1907100,00offen
137Anglo-Celtic Shipping Co.20.12.1923120,00120,00
138Anglo-European Steamship Co.11.02.192080,00offen
139Aransas Pass Harbor Co.12.08.1895275,00285,00
140Aster Shipping Co.27.03.192070,0077,00
141Atlantic Coast Navigation & Land Co.01.01.1901150,00offen
142Atlantic Dock Co.21.02.1910400,00offen
143Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies Steamship Lines01.01.1908150,00150,00
144Bahia Steam Navigation Co.27.02.1840200,00offen
145Benedict-Manson Marine Company30.07.1913250,00offen
146Boston Wharf Co.26.10.194260,00offen
147British & Irish Steam Packet Co.13.04.1869100,00100,00
148British Steam Fisheries Co.20.10.185660,0065,00
149Brittany Steamship Co.10.10.1883140,00140,00
150Brown Steamship Co.02.03.1911120,00offen
151Buffalo Dry Dock Co.01.01.190075,00offen
152Buffalo Steamship Co.01.01.191090,00offen
153Burlington & Bristol Steamboat Ferry Co.01.07.1893300,00offen
154California Navigation and Improvement Co.29.03.1910100,00offen
155Camden & Philadelphia Steam Boat Ferry Co.02.04.188890,00100,00
156Central Wharf and Wet Dock Co.31.10.193075,00offen
157Centreville & Corsica River Steam Boat Co.01.01.188090,00offen
158Charles Cammel & Co. Ltd.20.01.186680,00offen
159Chester River Steamboat Company01.01.187090,0090,00
160Cie. de Navigation Economique06.12.1886350,00350,00
Alle Angaben in Euro

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St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad
St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad
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